Everybody from the Hazzard County knows not to mess with a Duke. You've got the Duke boys Bo and Luke, who constantly get themselves in trouble with the sheriffs in town. You've got Daisy Duke with the short short shorts, who can distract any man alive AND kick their asses at the same time. The Duke's family business is moonshine, and the boys' Uncle Jesse concocts the tastiest brew in Dixie. This time, they're trying to save their farm and their neighbors' properties from the evil crooked commissioner Boss Hogg, and have some fun while doing it.
I've never watched the old "The Dukes of Hazzard" series, but have heard enough things about it that taught me not to expect too much of this movie. Yes, this movie is full of stupid jokes, car chases, naked girls and more stupid jokes. Just when you think Seann William Scott (the infamous "Stifler" from "American Pie") can't get any more stupid, he does something that's even more dumb. Don't get me wrong, it's funny nonetheless. Always thought Johnny Knoxville was a hottie back from MTV's "Jackass", but he's kind of a tool in this movie. Doesn't really do much the entire movie, cept being a jackass who whores around. Never really liked Jessica Simpson, always thought her super puffy lips are sooo fake, but she does an OK job as Daisy Duke I guess, since most guys will love the way she looks in those short shorts. Also, I love it that the legendary Willie Nelson is in the movie, and we get to hear him sing!
Oh yeah, the many many car chase scenes in the movie are wayyy cool and awesome~ And guys, there are lots of topless girls in this movie, need I say more? :P
In conclusion, this is truly, truly what you would call 105 minutes of mind-numbing entertainment. So have a cow, dude!
http://wintervalley.blogspot.com/2005/12/dukes-of-hazzard.html 翻拍片,对于1979至1985年间红极一时的同名动作喜剧电视剧的翻拍,但是看现在的这个版本应该说是失败的。电影以喜剧做卖点,但我几乎从头到尾都没笑过,一直不是太适应老美的搞笑风格,总是以夸张的肢体语言以及白痴的情节来搞笑,也或许是因为文化背景的不同使我没明白他们一些无厘头式的对白,总之这部剧作为喜剧片是失败的。影片的看点可能还是美女,杰西卡·辛普森的身材真是没得说,而且也顺应观众的要求,从头到尾都穿得很清凉,使人大饱眼福,喜欢美女的GG不要错过哦!
The Dukes of Hazzard
美国人的生活真悠闲啊,轻松热闹,不顾后果,还有Willie Nelson
比第二部好看。说了是日本人又说‘see u in BEIJING’你的地理是有多差啊
又名: 正义前锋导演: Jay Chandrasekhar主演: Johnny Knoxville / Seann William Scott / Jessica Simpson上映年度: 2005官方网站: http://dukesofhazzard.warnerbros.com/imdb链接: tt0377818制片国家/地区: 美国
2.5星吧 要不是没得看早看别的了
Duke兄弟开车时放的ACDC 让我永远铭记。
Dukes you manwhore