Guatemala is going to enter a new era In which there will be prosperity for the people, together with liberty for the people.
The question is, why are we supporting El Salvador? No, the question was, why are we killing priests in El Slvardo? The answer is, we're not, now, you be quiet. Prisident Christiani is trying to do a job for democracy and the lelf-wing guerrillas must not take over El Salvador.
(George W Bush) America will not impose our own style of governement on the unwilling, our goal instead is to help others to find their own voice, attain their own freedom, and make their own way.
This film is about the struggle of people to free themelves, from a morden form of slavery. Richard Nixon, president of the United States, once said of Latin America,"People don't give a shit about the place," He was wrong, The grand design of the United States as a morden empire, was drawn on the hopes of an entire continent known contemptously as "the back yard" The extraordinary witnesses in this film describe a world not as American presidents like to see it, as useful or expendable, they describe the power of courage and humanity, among people with next to noghing. They reclaim noble words like democracy, freedom, liberation, justice, and in doing so, they're definding the most basic human rights of all of us in a war being waged against all of us.
This is Caracas, capital of Venezuela one of the richest countries in Latin America thanks to huge deposits of oil The rich in Venezuela live in leafy suburbs with names like Country Club Their spiritual homes are Miami and Washington
The majority live in what are known as barrios on hillsides in breeze-block houses that defy gravity In the past these people had been invisible- excluded from their own soceity Today they display the confidence of those who know an extraordinary change has come to their lives
This is Hugo Chavez president of Venezuela the voice of the barrios Chavez and his supporters have won ten elections in eight years (cheering) He's the symbol of an awakening of people powerdriven by great popular movenments that are unique to Latin America
The days of the old bosses and barons are over,That false, elite democracy is over in Venezuela,
It's no surprise that Chavez, with the help of an aggressive media coverage has become a hate figure in the United States because what he represents is another way and a threat to Amecrican domination
(# Rock music) ……
(Speaking Spanish) ……
-Let me ask about you, personally, I mean, travelling with you for the last couple of days, I've seen a man who's clearly deeply committed to what you want for the Venezuelan people, Could you describe where that came from? -I was born in a very poor home,a peasant home, so I experienced poverty, I was a poor child, barefoot, My father was a teacher at a rural school, and my mother too, I had a beautiful grandmother, She was Indian, She filled me with love, My grandmother taught me a lot, and I learned from her about solidarity with other people, about sharing the bread even when there's little to eat, Later,I went into the army, the military academy, and I became a soldier, And there I found out about Bolivar and started to realise what the truth was,
Simon Bolivar is venerated in Latin America as the liberator from Spanish colonialism Bolivar believed that freedom only came when people united against all invaders no matter their disguise
Today the people of Latin America are again rising up against an empire built on an extreme form of capitalism know as the Washington Consensus Whole countries have been privatized put up for sale their natural wealth sold to foreign companies, for peanuts In Venezuela they said "No more"
This is La Vega a barrio of a million people Mariela Machadoo has lived here most of her life She knows what it's like to be excluded in her own country
I can give you a very specific example on the maps, All these hills and houses did not figure-they were shown as green spaces, That was before Chavez's government, Before Chavez, we did not feel a part of this society.
This is called a mission It's a kind of parellel government designed to bypass the old bureaucracy and deliver real benefits to ordinary people This is raw democracy- a triumph of the grass roots
Today they're discussing the dream of owning their own homes for the first time
We don't want the deeds just for their own sake, More important the deeds themselves is that we own the property in order to develop our cities, and obtain the rights that have been denied us for so long, This is the most important thing, This is not a matter of getting the deeds and saying,"I'm sorted now, I can go," and stop coming to the parish assemblies, because after the deeds, there are better things to come, Like the development of our barrios.
Soon after Chavez was elected in 1999 Venezuelans voted on a constitutiong and this little blue book has become a bestseller ever since
This is one of a chain of supermarkets set up in the barrios funded by proceeds of oil Here prices are kept low and on the back of every rice and soap powder packet are printed people's rights under the constitution
-Does it really mean somthing to you to see it there? -Of course, because I didn't know we had rights like everyone else, but this one, article 23, tells us about national politics, and this makes us feel included.
Democracy, as I said recently, before our people, as Lincoln said, has a simple definition- the difficulty is making it a reality, We are making it a reality- government of people, by the people and for the people, A society where people are included and equal, where there is no exclusion, there is no poverty, where human values reign.
For some of his supporters Chavez has not gone far enough Familiar obstacles remain from the past a stifling bureaucracy and widespread corruption And although poverty has fallen dramatically in recent years, it's far from eradicated
-When you drive in from the airport and Caracas, the one thing that shocks a first-visitor are the barrios, the numbers of poor people, Why is it, in Venezuela, which earns so many billions of dollars in oil money, that there still is this poverty, in spite of all the changes you've made? -The poor of Venezuela carry on being poor, yes, I always say that we don't want to be rich, our aim is not material wealth, It is to live with dignity, of course to come out of poverty, and to come out of extreme poverty above all, and to live, to live with dignity, this is the objective, not to become millionaires, the Amecrican way of life, no that is stupid. I'm teling you this because the issue of poverty affects us deeply, It's most of our daliy struggle.
1 作为纪录片本身来说有点怂 2 每每听到这片中阿连德总统的最后一段录音 我都有点想哭的冲动 3 记得波拉尼奥的《荒野侦探》里那个委内瑞拉的老作家对两个年轻人说了什么么? “我是一个托派分子 蒂娜赫罗她也是” 然后贝拉诺和利马又去拿了一瓶新酒
看完这个片子 再回头看看中国 古巴 我们走过来真不容易
3月28號john pilger要在墨爾本的marxist conference裏面作報告, 早已買好票. 非常期待! democracy belongs to the street, the barrios, the fields and the minds of people.
This piece of art shows spirit of another respectful and responsible journalist in our current time.
还好是英国人拍的 否则肯定有人上来就说全是瞎编的
national security my axx