▍作为电影的故乡,法国可谓人才济济,罗伯特·布列松 Robert Bresson便是其中一位。他不仅是法国电影史上粉丝最多的人,也被誉为“法国最受尊敬的导演”,还是塔可夫斯基的偶像。二战期间,布列松曾在德国纳粹的集中营里待过一年,原本是一名画家和摄影师,转行做导演后,他的作品一直以“少而精”著称,个性孤傲,风格简约,主题多以哲学性和天主教思想为主。
“你的观众既不是书本的读者,也不是戏剧的观众,既不是展览的看客,也不是音乐会的听众。你既不用满足文学情趣,也不用满足戏剧兴趣,既不用满足绘画特征,也不用满足音乐特色。”—— 布列松《电影书写札记》
《乡村牧师日记》(以下简称《日记》)是布列松的第三部作品,改编自乔治·贝尔纳诺斯的同名小说。《日记》通过一系列事件对青年牧师的角色进行塑造,片中多处展开对宗教、上帝及信仰等议题的讨论,使整部影片充斥着超验主义色彩。 影片展现了布列松简约而纯粹的美学风格,即通过非职业演员的使用,旁白与镜头语言的设计等方式,来维持影片与观者之间的距离感,从而直接作用于观者的精神世界。
1 00:00:49,880 --> 00:00:53,280 改编自乔治·贝尔纳诺斯小说 From the Novel by GEORGES BERNANOS 3 00:00:56,150 --> 00:00:59,250 乡村牧师日记 DIARY OF A COUNTRY PRIEST 4 00:02:00,550 --> 00:02:04,610 编剧 导演 罗伯特·布列松 Screenplay, Adaptation and Direction by ROBERT BRESSON 5 00:02:12,460 --> 00:02:15,760 我不认为绝对忠实地记录下每天发生的事 I don't think I'm doing anything wrong in writing down daily, 6 00:02:15,860 --> 00:02:17,920 有任何过错 with absolute frankness, 7 00:02:18,130 --> 00:02:20,470 毕竟它们只是一段毫无神秘可言的生活中 the simplest and most insignificant secrets 8 00:02:20,670 --> 00:02:22,640 最简单也最无足轻重的秘密 of a life actually lacking any trace of mystery. 9 00:02:24,000 --> 00:02:29,290 昂布里库尔 (法国加来省的一个小镇) Ambricourt 10 00:03:51,290 --> 00:03:53,950 我的教区 我的第一个教区 My parish. My first parish. 11 00:03:58,400 --> 00:04:00,990 难道我必须出于职责的缘故 Must I believe that it's only for duty's sake 12 00:04:01,100 --> 00:04:03,300 而无视自己虚弱的健康状况? that I refuse to acknowledge my poor health? 13 00:04:04,440 --> 00:04:06,500 我的自行车很有用 My bicycle is very useful, 14 00:04:06,840 --> 00:04:10,070 但倘若我腹内空空 骑上坡路时就会头晕目眩 but I can't ride uphill on an empty stomach without feeling faint. 15 00:04:26,090 --> 00:04:28,560 我刻意不再吃肉或是蔬菜 I deliberately cut out meat and vegetables, 16 00:04:29,430 --> 00:04:35,230 实在饿得头昏 才拿点面包蘸着酒果腹 eating only small quantities of wine-soaked bread whenever I feel dizzy. 17 00:04:35,740 --> 00:04:37,930 我在酒里放许多糖 I add a lot of sugar to the wine. 18 00:04:38,040 --> 00:04:41,370 面包会放个几天直到变硬才吃 I let my bread harden for several days. 19 00:04:42,280 --> 00:04:44,370 多亏这个习惯 我得以脑子清醒 Thanks to this diet, my head is clear, 20 00:04:44,480 --> 00:04:46,880 身体也感觉更强壮 and I feel much stronger. 21 00:04:53,090 --> 00:04:55,950 法博加先生今早来到圣器收藏室 Old Fabregars came to the sacristy this morning. 22 00:05:06,730 --> 00:05:09,260 暂且不论我祷告所需要的报酬 Aside from the fee for my time, 23 00:05:09,470 --> 00:05:11,340 天知道 法博加先生 God knows, Mr. Fabregars, 24 00:05:11,470 --> 00:05:14,200 我想您是希望能使用免费的布料 I'd like you to have use of the draperies for free. 25 00:05:14,540 --> 00:05:16,200 我确实这么想 I should think so. 26 00:05:16,310 --> 00:05:20,040 不过是一堆碎布和补丁拼凑起来的东西 A lot of old moth-eaten rags held together by patches. 27 00:05:20,520 --> 00:05:21,680 花得了多少钱? What could they have cost? 28 00:05:21,680 --> 00:05:23,790 蜡烛得花不少钱 Candles are very expensive. 29 00:05:23,790 --> 00:05:26,380 真有你的 You do have a soft time of it. 30 00:05:26,690 --> 00:05:29,120 哪有剥削我们穷人的道理 There's no excuse for exploiting the poor. 31 00:05:29,790 --> 00:05:32,120 你可真是爱财如命啊 神父 You like your money easy, Father. 32 00:05:32,230 --> 00:05:35,390 我们对所有人的收费都是一样的 We charge everyone the same. 33 00:05:35,500 --> 00:05:37,460 在我看来事情很简单 As I see it, it's simple: 34 00:05:37,630 --> 00:05:40,470 我只求一件事 就是公平 I ask one thing. It's only just. 35 00:05:40,740 --> 00:05:43,900 让我可怜的妻子体面地下葬 Let my poor old wife be buried decently. 36 00:05:44,110 --> 00:05:46,010 按普通流程来 The usual service. 37 00:05:46,210 --> 00:05:49,730 所以我绝不会多付一个子 你明白了吗? And for that I'll not pay a penny more, you hear? 38 00:05:57,620 --> 00:06:01,250 去拜访托西神父时 我依旧心绪不宁 I was still distraught when I went to see the priest of Torcy. 39 00:06:04,930 --> 00:06:07,860 上帝 我真希望像他一样身体健康 心态平衡啊! God, I wish I had his health and mental balance! 40 00:06:16,070 --> 00:06:18,100 你应该把那家伙赶出去 You should have shown him the door. 41 00:06:18,870 --> 00:06:20,530 是的 把他赶出去 Yes, shown him the door. 42 00:06:22,180 --> 00:06:23,970 说起来 我认识这个法博加 Besides, I know Fabregars. 43 00:06:24,850 --> 00:06:26,750 这老头很有钱 The old guy has plenty. 44 00:06:27,080 --> 00:06:29,140 你们这些年轻的教士啊! You young priests! 45 00:06:30,790 --> 00:06:33,780 你们这些年轻人现在还有什么心志? What have you young men got in your veins these days? 46 00:06:34,660 --> 00:06:36,950 我那时代 人们培养的是教会人才 In my time they made men of the church, 47 00:06:37,090 --> 00:06:39,220 教区的领袖 真正的首领! leaders of parishes, real masters! 48 00:06:40,430 --> 00:06:42,830 现在教会派给了我们一些唱诗班小毛孩 Seminaries these days send us choirboys, 49 00:06:42,930 --> 00:06:45,420 小叫花子 总是自以为有多用功 young ragamuffins who think they're working harder than anyone 50 00:06:45,970 --> 00:06:47,940 其实什么事都没做成 because they never manage to finish anything. 51 00:06:48,240 --> 00:06:49,930 碰到一点点困难的征兆 At the first sign of difficulty, 52 00:06:50,040 --> 00:06:53,300 他们就哭哭咧咧说教职和他们想的不一样 气馁不已 they say the priesthood isn't what they expected and drop everything. 53 00:06:53,410 --> 00:06:55,430 我什么也不会放弃的 向你保证 I will not drop everything, I assure you. 54 00:06:55,640 --> 00:06:57,580 除了消除罪恶以外 Besides exterminating the devil, 55 00:06:57,680 --> 00:07:01,050 你另一个梦想就是变得受人爱戴 your other dream is to be loved for who you are. 56 00:07:01,150 --> 00:07:03,520 但一个真正的教士是永远不会讨人喜欢的 A true priest is never loved. 57 00:07:03,720 --> 00:07:06,450 教会才不会管你是不是受人爱戴呢 我的孩子 The church doesn't care a whit whether you're loved, my son. 58 00:07:06,690 --> 00:07:08,250 要受人尊敬 让人们听话 Be respected, obeyed. 59 00:07:08,720 --> 00:07:11,320 要全天候维护秩序 Keep order all day long, 60 00:07:11,490 --> 00:07:14,590 但心里要清楚第二天将又变得混乱无序 knowing full well disorder will win out tomorrow, 61 00:07:15,000 --> 00:07:19,090 因为在这个可悲的世界上 黑夜会把白天所有的工作付诸流水 because in this sorry world, the night undoes the work of the day. 62 00:07:30,140 --> 00:07:32,410 "全天候维护秩序" "Keep order all day long." 63 00:07:34,220 --> 00:07:36,340 当我在削土豆做汤的时候 The priest of Torcy's words came back to me 64 00:07:36,450 --> 00:07:38,720 托西神父的话回荡在我耳边 as I peeled potatoes for my soup. 65 00:07:41,190 --> 00:07:43,210 我的助手从我身后过来了 The right-hand man came up from behind. 66 00:07:48,030 --> 00:07:49,860 好消息啊 神父 Good news, Father. 67 00:07:50,530 --> 00:07:52,090 是我能用上电灯了吗? I'm getting electric light? 68 00:07:52,300 --> 00:07:54,730 镇政委批准了你的请求 The council agreed to your request. 69 00:07:54,970 --> 00:07:59,100 他们会负担费用 为您通上电的 It will install electricity for you at its own expense. 70 00:07:59,210 --> 00:08:02,300 只是还需要走一些程序 There remain just the usual formalities. 71 00:08:02,510 --> 00:08:05,500 - 会等很久吗? - 两到三个月 最多四个月 - Will it take long? - Two or three months. Four at the most. 72 00:08:06,950 --> 00:08:10,010 我很想和他谈谈他的卡巴莱歌舞 I'd have loved to tell him a thing or two about his cabaret. 73 00:08:11,620 --> 00:08:13,610 他每周日都举办一次舞会 He puts on a dance every Sunday 74 00:08:13,960 --> 00:08:15,980 称之为"家庭舞会" and calls it "The Families' Ball" 75 00:08:16,090 --> 00:08:19,390 男孩子们以把女孩子灌醉为乐 where boys have fun getting young girls drunk. 76 00:08:19,730 --> 00:08:21,250 日安 神父 Good day, Father. 77 00:08:24,500 --> 00:08:26,190 我没敢说 I didn't dare. 78 00:08:28,170 --> 00:08:30,660 最简单的任务无疑最容易做 The simplest tasks are by no means the easiest. 79 00:08:58,300 --> 00:09:00,100 一个糟糕的夜晚 An awful night. 80 00:09:01,600 --> 00:09:04,470 当我闭上眼睛 悲伤汹涌而来 As soon as I closed my eyes, sadness overwhelmed me. 81 00:09:13,480 --> 00:09:17,710 这个早上我愿意做任何事以换来几句亲切同情的话 I'd have done anything this morning for a word of compassion or kindness. 82 00:09:38,170 --> 00:09:40,440 我非常期待教义问答课 I was expecting a lot from catechism class, 83 00:09:40,640 --> 00:09:43,010 孩子们正为圣餐礼做准备 the children preparing for holy communion. 84 00:09:49,850 --> 00:09:53,080 女孩子们使我充满希望 尤其是塞拉菲塔·杜孟谢尔 The girls had given me hope, especially Seraphita Dumouchel. 85 00:09:53,350 --> 00:09:55,620 圣餐礼是 Communion is 86 00:09:56,690 --> 00:09:58,850 是传……是传递…… to re - to receive - 87 00:10:02,130 --> 00:10:03,600 你来回答? How about you? 88 00:10:04,800 --> 00:10:07,530 是用来传递…… It's to receive - 89 00:10:09,370 --> 00:10:11,960 通过圣餐圣礼传递耶稣的仁爱 Receive Jesus in the sacrament of the Eucharist. 90 00:10:12,510 --> 00:10:14,600 那么耶稣是怎么创立圣餐的呢? And how did he establish the Eucharist? 91 00:10:25,020 --> 00:10:27,540 为了创立圣餐 To establish the Eucharist, 92 00:10:27,760 --> 00:10:31,190 耶稣掰开面包分给他的门徒们 说 Jesus broke bread and gave it to his disciples, saying, 93 00:10:31,730 --> 00:10:33,990 "拿来吃吧 这是我的身体" "Take and eat. This is My body." 94 00:10:34,230 --> 00:10:37,460 他拿起酒杯说 "拿来喝吧 这是我的血 He took wine and said, "Take and drink. This is My blood. 95 00:10:37,570 --> 00:10:39,230 "当如此做 以纪念我" Do this in remembrance of Me." 96 00:10:39,430 --> 00:10:42,960 今天的课就到这里 塞拉菲塔 过来拿小红花 That will do for today's class. Seraphita, come forward for a good mark. 97 00:10:48,380 --> 00:10:49,970 其他人可以走了 The others may go. 98 00:11:08,160 --> 00:11:10,130 你期待自己的圣餐礼吗? Are you anxious to make your communion? 99 00:11:11,430 --> 00:11:14,130 - 不 - 为什么不? - No. - Why not? 100 00:11:15,200 --> 00:11:16,900 它迟早会来的 It'll come soon enough. 101 00:11:17,610 --> 00:11:20,200 你听得懂我的课 也听得很认真 Yet you understand me, and you listen so well. 102 00:11:21,740 --> 00:11:24,370 因为您的眼睛漂亮极了 It's because you have such beautiful eyes. 103 00:11:33,650 --> 00:11:35,990 她们合伙捉弄了我 They had plotted it together. 104 00:11:36,590 --> 00:11:39,580 为什么她们对我如此敌意?我对她们做错了什么吗? But why such hostility? What had I done to them? 105 00:11:44,430 --> 00:11:47,160 露易丝小姐天天来参加弥撒 Miss Louise attends holy mass every day. 106 00:11:47,600 --> 00:11:49,730 如果她不来 教堂就一个人都没有了 Without her, the church would be empty. 107 00:11:50,770 --> 00:11:54,640 她在庄园里担任家庭教师 这使我们之间隔阂不小 Her position as governess at the manor dictates a certain distance between us. 108 00:11:56,640 --> 00:11:59,440 今天早上 她把脸埋入掌中 This morning she buried her face in her hands, 109 00:11:59,910 --> 00:12:02,710 而在祈祷时 我发现她有哭过的神情 but at the blessing, I could see she'd been crying. 110 00:12:46,430 --> 00:12:48,160 你一定感到非常孤独 You must feel very lonely. 111 00:12:48,260 --> 00:12:50,060 夫人对我很好 Her ladyship is very kind, 112 00:12:50,160 --> 00:12:53,900 但夏塔尔小姐喜欢羞辱我 对我呼来唤去的 but Miss Chantal enjoys humiliating me and treats me like a servant. 113 00:12:54,000 --> 00:12:55,870 她是你唯一的学生吗? Is she your only pupil? 114 00:12:55,970 --> 00:12:59,700 伯爵夫人有过一个儿子 但他死了 她很喜欢他 The countess had a son, but he died. She adored him. 115 00:13:00,240 --> 00:13:02,470 庄园里没人再提起过他 No one at the manor ever mentions him. 116 00:13:03,980 --> 00:13:06,280 下周四我会去拜访伯爵的 I'll call on the count next Thursday. 117 00:13:11,350 --> 00:13:13,680 拜访庄园的事让我忧心忡忡 This visit to the manor has me quite worried. 118 00:13:13,790 --> 00:13:15,550 如果能留下好的第一印象 A good first impression could spell success for my plans 119 00:13:15,560 --> 00:13:19,490 我的关于青年俱乐部和运动项目的计划想必就能顺利一些了 for a youth club and sports program. 120 00:13:19,690 --> 00:13:23,690 伯爵的影响力和财力能帮助我完成计划 The count's influence and wealth could help me to achieve them. 121 00:13:53,960 --> 00:13:57,190 (我所需的那块)土地贫瘠 粮仓空空如也 The land is barren and the barn empty. 122 00:13:57,460 --> 00:13:58,860 确实如此 That's true. 123 00:13:59,070 --> 00:14:02,560 我不是要拒绝您 神父 但请给我点时间考虑 I'm not saying no, Father, but give me time to think it over. 124 00:14:13,110 --> 00:14:17,050 据说他对农民们很苛刻 他也算不上模范教徒 He's said to be hard on his farmers, and he's no model parishioner. 125 00:14:17,690 --> 00:14:21,310 但为什么他一下子变成我如此亟需的 Why has he so quickly become the so desperately rare 126 00:14:21,520 --> 00:14:24,360 朋友 同盟 合作伙伴? friend, ally and companion? 127 00:14:47,050 --> 00:14:49,810 佩格里奥太太会为您做准备 我已经告诉过她 Mrs. Pegriot will prepare it for you. I've let her know. 128 00:14:53,390 --> 00:14:57,080 我没敢告诉他我的胃只能消化干面包 I didn't dare tell him my stomach only tolerates dry bread. 129 00:14:57,960 --> 00:14:59,760 我无福消受他的炖兔子肉 I won't taste his rabbit stew, 130 00:14:59,860 --> 00:15:02,800 再说 为此我还需要付给管家半天工钱 for which I'll have to pay the housekeeper a half day's wages. 131 00:15:03,230 --> 00:15:07,130 我会托一个唱诗班孩子把它带给费朗太太 她会高兴的 I could have a choirboy take it to old Mrs. Ferrant. She'd be delighted. 132 00:15:11,140 --> 00:15:14,600 神父 我赞同您的所有想法 Father, I approve of all your ideas. 133 00:15:14,710 --> 00:15:16,370 噢 我的想法 Oh, my ideas. 134 00:15:16,480 --> 00:15:18,950 但我提醒您 最好不要付诸实践 But I warn you against putting them into practice. 135 00:15:19,750 --> 00:15:21,310 我不明白 I don't follow. 136 00:15:21,850 --> 00:15:24,280 这里的人们有坏心思 The people here are malicious. 137 00:15:24,490 --> 00:15:27,080 相信我 我知道的 Believe me, I know. 138 00:15:27,190 --> 00:15:30,350 如果要我给点建议的话 If I may offer a bit of advice, 139 00:15:30,460 --> 00:15:33,690 我想 别行事过急 well, don't be in too much of a hurry. 140 00:15:33,890 --> 00:15:35,620 别一下子就露出您的手段来 Don't show your hand at once. 141 00:15:36,200 --> 00:15:39,690 别急 不如静观他们的表现 Let them take the first step. There is no urgency. 142 00:15:42,240 --> 00:15:44,600 但是这都是我发自内心想做的 It's just that these things are dear to my heart. 143 00:15:44,710 --> 00:15:47,270 至于我的土地与粮仓 As for my land and my barn, 144 00:15:47,840 --> 00:15:49,870 我不会让您失望 I wouldn't discourage you. 145 00:15:50,410 --> 00:15:52,400 还是晚些再谈 We'll discuss them later 146 00:15:52,610 --> 00:15:56,670 等我们共同研究出一些实际方案再说 when we get down to working out something practical together. 147 00:16:01,390 --> 00:16:04,080 您看上去气色并不好 You're not looking at all well. 148 00:16:04,530 --> 00:16:06,820 您得多注意身体 You should take care of your health. 149 00:16:07,030 --> 00:16:09,120 我的胃十分敏感 My stomach is very temperamental. 150 00:16:16,540 --> 00:16:19,510 先生 我有些迟疑是否该提及您的女儿 I hesitate, sir, to mention your daughter. 151 00:16:19,810 --> 00:16:22,070 我的女儿?怎么了? My daughter? What is the matter? 152 00:16:23,180 --> 00:16:25,200 我关心她的忧伤 I'm concerned about her sadness. 153 00:16:25,910 --> 00:16:27,970 她的脸上始终闷闷不乐 Her face is far from cheerful. 154 00:16:28,350 --> 00:16:31,750 她的表情有种沉重与僵硬 There is something hard and rigid in her expression 155 00:16:31,950 --> 00:16:33,610 很不符合她的年龄 far beyond her years. 156 00:16:33,820 --> 00:16:36,620 夏塔尔忧伤?您一定是在开玩笑 Chantal sad? You must be joking. 157 00:16:38,160 --> 00:16:40,560 会不会是有人无意中惹她生气了呢? Could someone be rubbing her the wrong way? 158 00:16:40,760 --> 00:16:44,660 或许她希望从露易丝小姐那儿得到更多理解…… Would a little more understanding from Miss Louise - 159 00:16:46,700 --> 00:16:48,330 您疯了 You're mad. 160 00:17:05,350 --> 00:17:08,340 提到了露易丝小姐显然使伯爵非常不悦 The mention of Miss Louise's name seemed to upset him terribly. 161 00:17:09,060 --> 00:17:10,990 他脸色变僵 His face hardened. 162 00:17:11,890 --> 00:17:12,860 为什么? Why? 163 00:17:20,270 --> 00:17:22,760 我很快作出决定 I seized the first opportunity to return to the manor... 164 00:17:24,200 --> 00:17:26,370 要抓紧时机再访庄园 a decision I had arrived at quickly. 165 00:17:54,400 --> 00:17:56,630 仆人很快就来应门 The servant was several moments in coming. 166 00:18:14,050 --> 00:18:15,990 我很清楚会遇到伯爵 I was sure I'd meet the count, 167 00:18:16,090 --> 00:18:19,180 他通常星期四下午在家 who was usually at the manor Thursday afternoons. 168 00:18:20,860 --> 00:18:23,330 而我反而见到了伯爵夫人 But I met the countess instead. 169 00:18:23,960 --> 00:18:25,990 我的出现一定出乎她意料 I must have surprised her. 170 00:18:26,100 --> 00:18:27,830 我打扰到您了吗? Am I disturbing you? 171 00:18:27,940 --> 00:18:30,030 一点也没有 Not at all. 172 00:18:30,270 --> 00:18:32,100 我知道她非常孤僻 I knew she was withdrawn 173 00:18:32,210 --> 00:18:35,330 一直将自己封闭在对死去的孩子的回忆里 and entirely absorbed in the memory of her dead child. 174 00:18:44,450 --> 00:18:47,820 她走了过来 对着一张椅子示意我坐下 She approached, motioning to a chair. 175 00:18:49,490 --> 00:18:52,790 看到您 我就想您来一定是有原因的 On seeing you, I felt you had come with some purpose in mind. 176 00:18:52,990 --> 00:18:55,190 仅仅为了拜访一下 None other than to pay a call. 177 00:18:55,300 --> 00:18:58,090 这么说的话 您并不打算说出原因了 And that you also meant to keep it to yourself. 178 00:18:58,200 --> 00:18:59,670 我向您保证不是那样的 I assure you. 179 00:18:59,870 --> 00:19:01,700 那么是我理解错了 I see I was wrong. 180 00:19:01,800 --> 00:19:04,860 您的教民们可让您非常头疼啊 神父 Your parishioners worry you a good deal, Father. 181 00:19:05,470 --> 00:19:07,500 然而这只是个小小的教区 Yet it's such a small parish. 182 00:19:09,480 --> 00:19:11,210 仅仅在地图上显得小而已 夫人 Small on the map, madam. 183 00:19:11,980 --> 00:19:14,810 你对被委以之任想必还觉得很陌生吧 It's a strange task you've been entrusted with. 184 00:19:16,520 --> 00:19:17,810 是的 夫人 Yes, madam. 185 00:19:18,020 --> 00:19:20,680 对于人生实际是什么 我们所知太少了 How little we know what a human life really is. 186 00:19:21,720 --> 00:19:23,780 尽管来到时我感觉良好 Though I'd arrived feeling fine, 187 00:19:23,990 --> 00:19:26,860 我却突然发觉我无法跟上夫人的谈话 I found myself suddenly incapable of holding a conversation 188 00:19:26,960 --> 00:19:28,990 也无法回答她的问题 or even answering questions. 189 00:19:29,600 --> 00:19:31,560 来的时候我确实走得很快 It's true that I'd walked very quickly. 190 00:19:31,770 --> 00:19:35,200 此前与抱恙的费朗太太交谈花掉我不少的时间 I'd lost a lot of time with the ill Mrs. Ferrant. 191 00:19:35,770 --> 00:19:38,500 神父!天呐 这是怎么了? Father! Heavens, what's the matter? 192 00:19:40,040 --> 00:19:42,240 您看起来非常痛苦 You seem to be suffering terribly. 193 00:19:44,110 --> 00:19:46,270 痛在哪里? Where is the pain? 194 00:19:46,810 --> 00:19:48,750 这里 我的胃深处 Here, in the pit of my stomach. 195 00:19:51,250 --> 00:19:53,410 不过没事的 真没事 But it's nothing. Nothing at all. 196 00:19:55,960 --> 00:19:58,980 原谅我 夫人 我得离开了 Forgive me, madam, I must take my leave. 197 00:20:21,520 --> 00:20:23,350 我病得十分严重 I'm seriously ill. 198 00:20:24,020 --> 00:20:27,580 六个月前 我第一次遭受这病痛的袭击 I was first truck by this disease six months ago. 199 00:20:30,360 --> 00:20:32,720 我去见了德尔本德医生 I went to see Dr. Delbende. 200 00:20:36,460 --> 00:20:40,130 他是个老头 据说非常冷酷 现在已经退休了 He's an old man, rumored to be brutal, who's now retired. 201 00:20:40,830 --> 00:20:43,390 托西神父告知他我会来 The priest of Torcy informed him I would be coming. 202 00:20:44,370 --> 00:20:47,770 他用厚实而并不干净的手仔细摸我的腹部 He palpated my stomach at length with thick and unclean hands. 203 00:20:47,980 --> 00:20:49,640 他刚刚打猎回来 He'd just returned from hunting. 204 00:20:50,480 --> 00:20:53,340 感觉不舒服的话 记得过来找我 When things get you down, come and pay me a call. 205 00:20:54,880 --> 00:20:58,610 我不会告诉别人的 不过托西神父和我说起过你 I wouldn't say that to everyone, but the priest in Torcy has spoken of you. 206 00:20:59,750 --> 00:21:01,740 我喜欢你的眼睛 And I like your eyes. 207 00:21:02,560 --> 00:21:03,650 忠实的眼睛 Faithful eyes. 208 00:21:04,520 --> 00:21:06,190 狗的眼睛 Dog's eyes. 209 00:21:06,290 --> 00:21:09,820 你 托西 还有我都是一类人 古怪的一类人 You and Torcy and I are of the same race, an odd race. 210 00:21:10,960 --> 00:21:13,830 和这些健壮的人是同一类人 The idea that I belonged to the same race as these hefty men 211 00:21:13,930 --> 00:21:15,990 这种事我从来没想过 would never have occurred to me. 212 00:21:17,140 --> 00:21:19,700 - 哪类人? - 坚忍的人 - What race? - The race that holds on. 213 00:21:19,910 --> 00:21:23,770 为什么坚忍?没人确切知道 And why does it hold on? No one quite knows. 214 00:21:24,310 --> 00:21:27,080 还在读书的时候 我为自己想出了一条座右铭: As a school boy I came up with a motto for myself: 215 00:21:27,450 --> 00:21:28,910 "勇敢地面对它" "Face up to it." 216 00:21:29,920 --> 00:21:32,280 面对什么?我问你 Face up to what? I ask you. 217 00:21:33,250 --> 00:21:34,980 不正义? Injustice? 218 00:21:36,020 --> 00:21:38,460 我可不是要到四处喋喋不休谈正义的那种人 I'm not one to go around babbling about justice. 219 00:21:38,560 --> 00:21:40,750 我从没奢求过正义会实现在我身上 I don't expect it for myself. 220 00:21:41,030 --> 00:21:44,000 我该向谁寻求正义?我不信上帝 From whom should I ask it? I don't believe in God. 221 00:21:44,730 --> 00:21:46,490 我缺乏经验 I'm not very experienced, 222 00:21:46,700 --> 00:21:50,970 但我总能辨认出那种揭示一颗深深受过伤的心灵的口吻 but I always recognize the tone that gives away a deeply wounded soul. 223 00:21:52,770 --> 00:21:54,830 你状态欠佳 You're not up to much. 224 00:21:55,440 --> 00:21:57,210 我很易看出 Just look at that. 225 00:21:57,940 --> 00:22:01,070 谁都能看出来你无法顿顿饱餐 Anyone can see you've not always had enough to eat. 226 00:22:03,850 --> 00:22:06,980 现在已经太晚了 Well, it's too late now. 227 00:22:10,160 --> 00:22:12,130 还有那些酒精 怎么说? And the alcohol, what about that? 228 00:22:14,290 --> 00:22:15,280 酒精? Alcohol? 229 00:22:16,630 --> 00:22:19,000 当然不是指你喝的酒 Not what you've drunk, of course. 230 00:22:22,240 --> 00:22:26,500 是说远在你出生之前 就被喝下的酒 What was drunk for you, long before you came into the world. 231 00:22:39,850 --> 00:22:41,790 塞拉菲塔让我很忧虑 Seraphita worries me a lot. 232 00:22:41,890 --> 00:22:43,880 有时候我想 她是不是讨厌我 I wonder sometimes if she hates me. 233 00:22:43,990 --> 00:22:46,320 她以超常的成熟折磨着我 She torments me with such exceptional maturity. 234 00:23:11,650 --> 00:23:13,240 早安 塞拉菲塔 Morning, Seraphita. 235 00:23:32,040 --> 00:23:35,940 那天下午我归还了她的书包 然而她的家人待我非常粗鲁 I returned her book bag that afternoon. I was received very roughly. 236 00:24:08,110 --> 00:24:10,840 是的 我责备自己祈祷得如此少 如此拙劣 Yes, I scold myself for praying so little and so poorly. 237 00:24:11,810 --> 00:24:13,910 然而我有时间祈祷吗? But do I have time to pray? 238 00:24:18,290 --> 00:24:20,980 在去热思夫雷的路上 我遇到了托西神父 I met the priest from Torcy on the road to Gesvres. 239 00:24:21,190 --> 00:24:23,420 他搭上我送我回教区住所 He gave me a ride back to the rectory. 240 00:24:23,960 --> 00:24:26,360 主教准是急缺神父 The bishop must be hard up for priests 241 00:24:26,560 --> 00:24:28,650 才会把一个教区托付给你 to put a parish in your hands. 242 00:24:29,360 --> 00:24:32,300 我可以给你大量建议 但那又有什么用? I could burden you with advice, but what's the point? 243 00:24:32,970 --> 00:24:36,800 我以前认识一些解开了最难的难题的学生 I've known pupils who'd solve the toughest problems, 244 00:24:37,040 --> 00:24:38,940 就是那个样子 几乎是在泄愤 just like that, out of spite. 245 00:24:39,640 --> 00:24:41,440 我哪里做错了呢? Where have I gone wrong? 246 00:24:41,640 --> 00:24:43,230 你太大惊小怪了 You're too fussy. 247 00:24:43,440 --> 00:24:46,000 就像只被关在瓶子里的大黄蜂 Just like a hornet in a bottle. 248 00:24:47,010 --> 00:24:49,380 但我认为你有一个祈祷者的灵魂 But I think you have the spirit of prayer. 249 00:24:50,650 --> 00:24:52,950 修道士可比我们粗鲁多了 Monks are more shrewd than us. 250 00:24:54,590 --> 00:24:57,080 另外 你缺乏普通常识 Besides, you have no common sense. 251 00:24:57,320 --> 00:24:59,380 你的伟大计划只是空谈 Your great schemes don't hold water. 252 00:24:59,990 --> 00:25:03,520 至于关于人的知识 说得越少越好 As for knowledge of men, the less said the better. 253 00:25:04,300 --> 00:25:06,420 直面你的新教区吧 Face-to-face with your new parish, 254 00:25:06,630 --> 00:25:09,160 你太特立独行了 you cut an odd figure. 255 00:25:09,670 --> 00:25:11,140 所以呢? And so? 256 00:25:13,170 --> 00:25:14,640 所以?没什么 继续干呗 So? Well, carry on. 257 00:25:14,740 --> 00:25:16,830 我还能说什么? What else can I say? 258 00:25:29,860 --> 00:25:31,290 一个糟糕的夜晚 A bad night. 259 00:25:33,060 --> 00:25:36,290 凌晨三点 我提着灯笼到了教堂 At 3:00 a.m., I took my lantern and went to the church. 260 00:25:48,210 --> 00:25:50,540 我从没这么努力地祈祷过 I never endeavored to pray so much. 261 00:25:51,040 --> 00:25:53,140 起先非常安静 平缓 At first quietly, calmly, 262 00:25:53,350 --> 00:25:57,310 接着 一股近乎绝望的意欲使我的心颤抖了起来 then with an almost desperate will that made my heart tremble. 263 00:26:15,470 --> 00:26:18,200 今早我收到了一封信 信纸很廉价 This morning I received a letter written on cheap paper, 264 00:26:18,410 --> 00:26:20,400 没有署名 unsigned. 265 00:26:21,780 --> 00:26:24,710 "一位好心人建议您能提出调换教区 "A well -wisher advises you to seek a transfer to another parish. 266 00:26:25,810 --> 00:26:27,680 "越快越好 The sooner, the better. 267 00:26:29,920 --> 00:26:32,980 "我为您感到抱歉 但我必须重复:赶紧走" I feel sorry for you, but I repeat: Get out." 268 00:26:53,740 --> 00:26:55,640 我发现了件奇怪的事 I made a strange discovery: 269 00:27:06,550 --> 00:27:08,890 信与这张纸笔迹一致 The handwriting was identical. 270 00:28:08,250 --> 00:28:10,310 又一个糟糕的晚上 Another terrible night. 271 00:28:11,380 --> 00:28:14,320 雨下得如此之大以致我不敢去教堂 It was raining so hard I didn't dare go to the church. 272 00:28:24,800 --> 00:28:26,660 我无法祈祷 I couldn't pray. 273 00:28:35,540 --> 00:28:38,310 我非常清楚 想要祈祷的愿望就是一种祈祷 I know very well that the desire to pray is already prayer, 274 00:28:38,410 --> 00:28:40,810 而上帝并不会要求更多 and that God couldn't ask for more. 275 00:28:42,920 --> 00:28:45,110 但这并非关乎职责的事 But it wasn't a question of duty. 276 00:28:45,750 --> 00:28:49,310 那时 我需要祈祷就像我的肺需要空气 At that moment, I needed prayer like I needed air in my lungs 277 00:28:49,960 --> 00:28:51,980 或我的血需要氧气 or oxygen in my blood. 278 00:28:57,230 --> 00:28:59,990 在我身后已经不再是可以一下子抛弃掉的 Behind me, there was no longer familiar day-to-day life 279 00:29:00,670 --> 00:29:03,030 熟悉的日常生活了 which one can leave behind in one fell swoop. 280 00:29:03,700 --> 00:29:06,040 我的身后一无所有 Behind me there was nothing, 281 00:29:06,640 --> 00:29:08,330 而在我前方则是一堵隔绝的墙 and before me was a wall. 282 00:29:09,180 --> 00:29:10,770 一堵黑色的墙 A black wall. 283 00:29:13,680 --> 00:29:17,310 突然间 我胸口里仿佛有东西碎掉了 Suddenly something seemed to shatter in my breast, 284 00:29:17,780 --> 00:29:20,720 我感到超过一小时的颤抖 and I was seized by a trembling that lasted over an hour. 285 00:29:31,630 --> 00:29:34,000 这会不会只是错觉呢? What if it had only been an illusion? 286 00:29:34,130 --> 00:29:36,900 连圣贤们都知晓他们有失败 失落的时刻 Even the saints knew their hour of failure and loss. 287 00:29:42,380 --> 00:29:45,780 我在床脚边面地而躺 I lay face-down at the foot of my bed. 288 00:29:46,710 --> 00:29:49,710 我只想表达彻底的接受 I only wanted to show complete acceptance 289 00:29:49,920 --> 00:29:51,380 和屈从 and surrender. 290 00:29:53,820 --> 00:29:57,220 同样的孤独 同样的沉寂 The same solitude, same silence, 291 00:29:58,690 --> 00:30:01,850 然而这次 再也没有希望能穿越这层障碍了 but this time, no hope in breaking through the obstacle. 292 00:30:02,430 --> 00:30:04,920 不 不存在障碍物 什么也没有 There's no obstacle. Nothing. 293 00:30:37,730 --> 00:30:39,560 上帝已经遗弃了我 God has left me. 294 00:30:40,700 --> 00:30:42,500 这点我已确信 Of this I'm sure. 295 00:30:52,880 --> 00:30:55,070 我并没有松懈对待我的职责 I haven't slackened in my duties. 296 00:30:55,680 --> 00:30:59,450 我的健康不可思议地恢复起来 这让我的工作变得轻松些 The incredible improvement in my health makes my work easier. 297 00:31:12,770 --> 00:31:14,700 德尔本德医生?你确定吗? Dr. Delbende? Are you sure? 298 00:31:14,900 --> 00:31:18,130 德尔本德医生的尸体在巴赞伯爵的树林边缘被发现 Dr. Delbende was found at the edge of the woods near Bazan court, 299 00:31:18,240 --> 00:31:20,600 冷冰冰的 头颅被轰飞 with his skull blown out, already cold. 300 00:31:20,770 --> 00:31:23,800 他滚进了一排树边的土沟深处 He rolled to the bottom of a tree-lined ditch. 301 00:31:24,010 --> 00:31:27,610 人们推测他的枪卡在枝桠间 It's thought his gun got caught in the branches 302 00:31:28,250 --> 00:31:30,380 走火了 and went off. 303 00:31:52,370 --> 00:31:55,830 托西神父在他朋友的尸体边守灵两夜 The priest from Torcy kept vigil for two nights by his friend's corpse. 304 00:31:56,180 --> 00:31:58,440 他显然看起来非常悲伤 He was visibly anguished. 305 00:31:59,880 --> 00:32:02,780 有流言说德尔本德医生是自杀的 It was rumored that Dr. Delbende had committed suicide. 306 00:32:29,980 --> 00:32:32,500 你不认为德尔本德医生是…… You don't think Dr. Delbende might have - 307 00:32:33,680 --> 00:32:35,740 他非常沮丧 He was very disheartened. 308 00:32:36,480 --> 00:32:39,820 他从始至终都坚信患者们会回来找他看病 He believed up to the very end that his patients would return. 309 00:32:40,890 --> 00:32:45,290 他的年轻同事们四处流传说他对消毒药一窍不通 His younger colleagues spread the word that he knew nothing of antiseptics, 310 00:32:45,890 --> 00:32:47,450 于是他的患者们都离开了 and his patients fled. 311 00:32:47,560 --> 00:32:49,890 当然是那些付费的患者 而不是其他的那些 The paying ones, of course. Not the others. 312 00:32:50,730 --> 00:32:54,190 但事实是 他已经失去信仰了 But the truth is he'd lost his faith 313 00:32:55,130 --> 00:32:57,690 而他又无法忍受没有信仰 and couldn't get over not believing. 314 00:32:59,240 --> 00:33:02,330 我的身体状况并不适宜听他这番推心置腹的话 I was in no condition to listen to his confidences just then. 315 00:33:04,140 --> 00:33:07,080 它们如熔化的铅洒在一个伤口上 They were like molten lead poured on an open wound. 316 00:33:08,850 --> 00:33:10,820 我从未感到如此痛苦 I have never suffered so much 317 00:33:11,520 --> 00:33:15,010 就算到死 我也不会再有这样的痛苦了 and likely never will again, even when I die. 318 00:33:15,560 --> 00:33:17,750 如果他真的是自杀 If he really killed himself... 319 00:33:20,390 --> 00:33:21,380 你是否认为…… do you think - 320 00:33:21,490 --> 00:33:24,400 如果其他人要问我这个 If anyone else were to ask me that! 321 00:33:24,600 --> 00:33:26,190 我会回答 "只有上帝才能裁决" God is the only judge. 322 00:33:26,400 --> 00:33:28,460 德尔本德医生是个正直的人 Dr. Delbende was a just man, 323 00:33:29,000 --> 00:33:31,030 而上帝就是正直的人的裁决者 and God is judge of the just. 324 00:33:33,370 --> 00:33:35,170 毕竟 这是一场交战 We're at war, after all. 325 00:33:35,380 --> 00:33:37,710 人总得面对敌人 One must face the enemy. 326 00:33:37,910 --> 00:33:41,240 正如他说的 "勇敢地面对它" 你记得他的座右铭吧? "Face up to it," as he used to say. You remember his motto? 327 00:34:22,720 --> 00:34:24,750 不 我并没有失去信仰 No, I haven't lost faith. 328 00:34:26,060 --> 00:34:28,530 这一突然且残酷的考验 This abrupt and cruel ordeal 329 00:34:28,730 --> 00:34:31,890 也许震慑了我的理智和神经 may have upset my reason, my nerves. 330 00:34:32,730 --> 00:34:35,060 但我信仰仍存 我能感受得到 But my faith remains. I can feel it. 331 00:34:47,080 --> 00:34:49,170 我站起身来 因为似乎明确地感觉到 I stood up with the feeling, 332 00:34:49,380 --> 00:34:52,110 听到有什么人在呼唤我 the certainty, that I had heard someone calling me. 333 00:34:58,890 --> 00:35:01,660 然而我知道并不会发现任何人 Yet I knew I wouldn't find anyone. 334 00:35:47,740 --> 00:35:49,500 你会信守诺言的吧? You'll keep your word? 335 00:35:49,710 --> 00:35:52,410 年轻的女士 我会按我说的去做 Young lady, I will do what I promise. 336 00:36:02,790 --> 00:36:04,450 我被压服了 I was overwhelmed. 337 00:36:06,160 --> 00:36:08,720 我从来不懂得人们 也永远不会懂得了 I know nothing of people and never will. 338 00:36:19,610 --> 00:36:21,510 我跑去托西神父那里 I ran to Torcy. 339 00:36:39,390 --> 00:36:41,490 神父不在家 Father is away. 340 00:36:42,500 --> 00:36:45,490 没有个十天八天他是不会回来的 He won't be back for eight or ten days at least. 341 00:36:48,100 --> 00:36:51,000 我失望极了 只好靠着墙 I was so disappointed. I had to lean against the wall. 342 00:37:20,600 --> 00:37:22,400 你知道我不能在这儿接待你 You know I can't receive you here. 343 00:37:24,400 --> 00:37:26,740 你承诺了要做的事 What you promised to do 344 00:37:26,910 --> 00:37:28,600 今天必须做到 must be done today. 345 00:37:29,340 --> 00:37:31,040 明天就太晚了 Tomorrow will be too late. 346 00:37:32,080 --> 00:37:34,270 她已经知道我去过你的住所了 She knew I'd been to the rectory. 347 00:37:34,680 --> 00:37:37,480 她简直狡猾得像只狐狸! She is as sly as an animal! 348 00:37:39,120 --> 00:37:42,750 我曾经信任过她 当你习惯了她的眼神 I trusted her. You get used to her eyes. 349 00:37:43,360 --> 00:37:45,220 你会以为她是善良的 You imagine they're kind. 350 00:37:46,590 --> 00:37:49,120 现在我简直想挖出她那双眼睛 Now I'd like to tear out those eyes of hers 351 00:37:50,660 --> 00:37:53,190 用脚踩在它们上面 就像这样! and stamp on them with my foot, like this! 352 00:37:53,930 --> 00:37:55,660 你不害怕上帝吗? Have you no fear of God? 353 00:37:55,770 --> 00:37:57,530 我要杀了她! I'll kill her! 354 00:37:57,700 --> 00:37:59,970 杀了她 或者杀了我自己! Kill her or kill myself! 355 00:38:00,740 --> 00:38:02,970 你不能呆在这里 You mustn't stay here. 356 00:38:04,980 --> 00:38:07,810 只有一个地方 我才能听你说 There's only one place I can listen to you. 357 00:38:15,050 --> 00:38:16,680 跪下 On your knees. 358 00:38:20,090 --> 00:38:22,220 我不想忏悔 I don't want to confess. 359 00:38:24,830 --> 00:38:27,460 你很清楚 我所要的只是公正 You know quite well all I ask is justice. 360 00:38:30,940 --> 00:38:33,730 自从那个魔鬼般的女人来到我们家里…… Ever since that beastly woman came to the house - 361 00:38:33,940 --> 00:38:34,910 冷静 Stay calm. 362 00:38:35,110 --> 00:38:36,800 我很冷静 I am calm. 363 00:38:37,340 --> 00:38:39,900 我希望你能像我一样冷静 I wish you could be as calm as I am. 364 00:38:41,810 --> 00:38:43,750 昨晚我听到他们说的了 I heard them last night. 365 00:38:44,480 --> 00:38:46,880 我在他们的窗户外 I was under their window. 366 00:38:47,490 --> 00:38:49,320 他们甚至都不拉上窗帘! They don't even draw the curtains! 367 00:38:50,620 --> 00:38:53,490 我知道他们想方设法要摆脱我 I know they'll get rid of me somehow. 368 00:38:54,630 --> 00:38:56,720 下周二我就离开这里 I am to leave next Tuesday. 369 00:38:57,060 --> 00:39:00,400 妈妈认为这样非常恰当 也可行 Mama finds it very proper and practical. 370 00:39:01,530 --> 00:39:04,770 她居然说恰当!简直好笑 Proper! It's enough to make you laugh. 371 00:39:06,540 --> 00:39:09,410 但她对他们所有的话都毫不怀疑 But she believes anything they tell her, 372 00:39:09,940 --> 00:39:12,500 简直就像青蛙吞苍蝇 like a frog swallowing flies. 373 00:39:12,780 --> 00:39:14,770 不要这样谈论你的母亲 Don't speak of your mother that way. 374 00:39:16,250 --> 00:39:18,010 这样显得你并不爱她 You don't love her. 375 00:39:19,850 --> 00:39:22,010 你甚至…… - 继续说 我恨她! You even - - Go on. I hate her! 376 00:39:22,250 --> 00:39:23,920 我一直以来都恨她 I've always hated her. 377 00:39:24,320 --> 00:39:26,260 她是个傻子 还是个懦夫 She's a fool and a coward. 378 00:39:26,460 --> 00:39:28,790 从来不能捍卫自己的幸福 Never could stand up for her own happiness. 379 00:39:29,900 --> 00:39:31,890 你为什么用这个样子看我? Why do you look at me like that? 380 00:39:32,930 --> 00:39:34,730 让我一个人静静 Leave me alone. 381 00:39:34,830 --> 00:39:36,890 如果你爱你父亲 If you loved your father, 382 00:39:37,270 --> 00:39:39,400 你就不会如此反抗他 you wouldn't be in this state of revolt. 383 00:39:39,510 --> 00:39:41,770 我已不再尊敬他了 I no longer respect him. 384 00:39:42,240 --> 00:39:45,340 我恨他 我恨他们所有人 I think I hate him. I hate them all. 385 00:39:46,180 --> 00:39:48,580 我要报仇 我要逃跑 I'll get my revenge. I'll run away. 386 00:39:48,780 --> 00:39:51,250 我要羞辱自己 并且要让他知道 I'll disgrace myself and make sure he hears of it. 387 00:39:51,350 --> 00:39:53,250 然后他就会和我一样痛苦 Then he'll suffer as I have. 388 00:39:54,420 --> 00:39:56,980 我似乎能从她的唇间读出 It seemed I could read on her lips 389 00:39:57,190 --> 00:39:59,250 一些她并未明说的言辞 other words that went unspoken. 390 00:39:59,430 --> 00:40:01,150 你不能那么做 You'll do no such thing. 391 00:40:03,030 --> 00:40:05,430 我知道真正诱惑你的并不是那些事 I know that's not what's really tempting you. 392 00:40:08,730 --> 00:40:10,530 把信给我 Give me that letter. 393 00:40:12,440 --> 00:40:14,240 你口袋里的那封信 The letter you have in your pocket. 394 00:40:17,380 --> 00:40:19,740 我想到什么就说什么 I said whatever came to me, 395 00:40:20,080 --> 00:40:24,140 然而 很奇怪的是 我确信我是对的 and yet, strangely enough, I was sure I was right. 396 00:40:24,380 --> 00:40:26,280 把它给我 Give it to me. 397 00:40:29,420 --> 00:40:32,690 她并没有抗拒 把信交给了我 She didn't try to resist, and handed me the letter. 398 00:40:46,610 --> 00:40:48,630 你一定是魔鬼! You must be the devil! 399 00:41:11,600 --> 00:41:13,860 "致我的父亲" TO MY FATHER 400 00:41:14,770 --> 00:41:17,570 我没有读信 直接扔进了火中 I threw the letter into the fire, unread. 401 00:41:18,100 --> 00:41:22,160 任何一个神父面对她的痛苦都会颤抖不已 Hers was a distress no priest should approach without trembling. 402 00:41:23,540 --> 00:41:27,070 我认为我从她的眼中读到了自杀的想法 I thought I read suicide in her eyes. 403 00:41:28,410 --> 00:41:30,780 但也许那只是转瞬即逝的冲动 But perhaps it was only a fleeting impulse 404 00:41:30,980 --> 00:41:33,140 其狂热使它变得可疑 whose very fervor made it suspect. 405 00:41:33,820 --> 00:41:37,590 我只是一个可悲的 无用的神父 别无其他 I was nothing but a miserable, unworthy priest. 406 00:41:38,990 --> 00:41:42,550 我根本不该接待夏塔尔小姐 也不该听她说话 I shouldn't have received Miss Chantal or listened to her. 407 00:41:43,500 --> 00:41:45,160 当时 上帝是在惩罚我 God was punishing me. 408 00:41:45,900 --> 00:41:48,420 我知道 一言既出驷马难追 I knew my words could not be taken back 409 00:41:48,630 --> 00:41:50,800 正因如此 我必须参与到事情结束 and that I had to see it to the end. 410 00:42:24,270 --> 00:42:26,800 我害怕她会做出些冲动的事 I fear she may do something rash. 411 00:42:28,340 --> 00:42:30,310 她才不会呢 That's the last thing she'd do. 412 00:42:30,510 --> 00:42:32,670 她怕死得很 She's terribly afraid of death. 413 00:42:34,180 --> 00:42:36,670 恰是这种人才会做出结束自己生命的事 Those are the ones who kill themselves. 414 00:42:38,420 --> 00:42:42,510 这肯定是你听来的 因为你自己不可能经历过这些 Someone must have told you that. It's outside your personal experience. 415 00:42:44,060 --> 00:42:45,960 你自己害怕死亡吗? Are you yourself afraid of death? 416 00:42:49,930 --> 00:42:51,420 是的 夫人 Yes, madam. 417 00:42:52,970 --> 00:42:55,490 但是 让我诚恳地说: But let me be quite frank: 418 00:42:57,700 --> 00:43:00,040 赴死是困难的 To die is difficult. 419 00:43:01,910 --> 00:43:04,500 尤其是对于自尊心强的人来说 Especially for the proud. 420 00:43:06,780 --> 00:43:09,040 所以尽管我怕死 但比不上你们 I fear my death less than yours. 421 00:43:22,830 --> 00:43:25,090 我丈夫想让谁留在这里都可以 My husband can keep whomever he likes here. 422 00:43:26,270 --> 00:43:28,700 另外 那个家庭教师没钱养活自己 Besides, the governess has no money. 423 00:43:29,000 --> 00:43:32,460 或许他近来确实过于殷勤 过于亲近了 Perhaps he's been too attentive, too familiar... 424 00:43:34,740 --> 00:43:36,970 但我未尝其实并不在乎? but suppose I don't care? 425 00:43:37,710 --> 00:43:41,080 这些年 无数的不忠与背叛 After putting up all these years with countless infidelities, 426 00:43:41,210 --> 00:43:43,580 荒唐的屈辱 我都忍受过了 suffering absurd humiliations, 427 00:43:44,320 --> 00:43:47,050 我作为一个老女人 shall I now, as an old woman - 428 00:43:47,320 --> 00:43:48,620 已经顺从一切了 to which I'm well resigned - 429 00:43:48,720 --> 00:43:51,520 现在叫我睁开眼睛 撕咬争斗 抓住机会 有何意义? open my eyes, put up a fight, take chances? For what? 430 00:43:51,720 --> 00:43:54,450 难道我该关心女儿的荣誉甚于关心自己的吗? Shall I care more about my daughter's pride than my own? 431 00:43:54,630 --> 00:43:56,990 让她自己去忍受吧 就像我曾经那样 Let her put up with it as I have. 432 00:43:57,200 --> 00:43:58,820 夫人 请您谨慎 Madam, be careful. 433 00:43:59,030 --> 00:44:00,260 对什么谨慎? Of what? 434 00:44:00,470 --> 00:44:02,870 对谁?对你? Of whom? Of you? 435 00:44:02,970 --> 00:44:04,730 别夸大其词了 Let's not overdramatize. 436 00:44:05,040 --> 00:44:08,840 这些想法不会左右我的行事 我的过去没有什么让我羞耻的 Such thoughts don't dictate my conduct. There's nothing in my past to blush about. 437 00:44:08,940 --> 00:44:11,340 如果罪恶让我们懂得羞耻 那么它就值得祝福 Blessed is sin if it teaches us shame. 438 00:44:11,440 --> 00:44:15,140 你只会说教!难道你是在担心我吗? Nothing but words! Are you trying to worry me? 439 00:44:16,120 --> 00:44:18,740 你不会的 我头脑太清醒了 Well, you won't. I have too much sense. 440 00:44:28,630 --> 00:44:32,530 总之 我们都因自己的行为受裁决 我做错了什么吗? Anyway, we'll be judged by our acts. What have I done wrong? 441 00:44:33,770 --> 00:44:36,170 你在把一个孩子赶出家门 You're throwing a child out of her home, 442 00:44:36,470 --> 00:44:38,730 并且你知道那是无法挽回的 and you know it's forever. 443 00:44:38,840 --> 00:44:40,600 那只是我丈夫的意愿 It's my husband's wish. 444 00:44:40,710 --> 00:44:42,140 如果他错了…… If he's wrong - 445 00:44:42,340 --> 00:44:44,740 他相信她会回来的 He believes she'll come back. 446 00:44:45,140 --> 00:44:47,170 你这么认为吗? And do you believe that? 447 00:44:52,380 --> 00:44:55,220 - 上帝会让你心碎的 - 让我心碎? - God will break you. - Break me? 448 00:44:55,990 --> 00:44:57,750 祂已经让我心碎了 He has broken me already. 449 00:45:03,000 --> 00:45:04,930 祂带走了我的儿子 God took my son from me. 450 00:45:05,360 --> 00:45:07,490 祂还能对我做什么? What more can he do to me? 451 00:45:07,700 --> 00:45:09,260 我已经不再惧怕祂了 I no longer fear him. 452 00:45:10,300 --> 00:45:12,930 上帝只是暂时带走他 God took him away for a time, 453 00:45:13,370 --> 00:45:14,670 而你的铁石心肠…… but your hardness - 454 00:45:14,770 --> 00:45:15,870 住嘴 Silence. 455 00:45:17,080 --> 00:45:19,140 不 我要继续说 No, I will not be silent. 456 00:45:19,550 --> 00:45:22,510 你如此冰冷的心肠 将使你永远都无法再接近他 The coldness of your heart may keep you from him forever. 457 00:45:23,520 --> 00:45:26,950 这是亵渎!上帝从不复仇! That's blasphemy! God does not take revenge! 458 00:45:27,050 --> 00:45:29,750 这不过是凡人们空洞的说辞 Those are mere human words, 459 00:45:30,120 --> 00:45:32,020 只对你有意义 with no meaning except for you. 460 00:45:32,220 --> 00:45:34,280 你是在说我的儿子会恨我吗? Are you saying my son might hate me? 461 00:45:34,930 --> 00:45:38,260 你们再也没有机会见到彼此 了解彼此了 You will no longer see or know each other. 462 00:45:38,360 --> 00:45:40,490 没有任何罪恶会遭受这样的惩罚 No sin could make such a punishment just. 463 00:45:40,600 --> 00:45:42,360 真太疯狂了! This is madness! 464 00:45:42,470 --> 00:45:43,960 是疯子的妄想 A sick man's dreams. 463 00:45:44,170 --> 00:45:48,110 当我在这位蛮横的女人面前依靠身后的墙时 With my back against the wall before this imperious woman, 466 00:45:48,970 --> 00:45:52,380 我看起来简直像个罪人 正徒劳地为自己辩解 I looked like a guilty man trying in vain to justify himself. 467 00:45:53,580 --> 00:45:55,480 也许我就是那样的人 Perhaps that's what I was. 468 00:45:56,010 --> 00:45:58,810 你听到我说的话吗?听明白了吗? Did you hear me? Did you understand? 469 00:46:00,820 --> 00:46:02,620 不 夫人 我没有听见 No, madam, I didn't hear. 470 00:46:04,760 --> 00:46:07,420 坐下 你现在不适宜去任何地方 Sit down. You're in no condition to go anywhere. 471 00:46:08,790 --> 00:46:12,250 我说的是 这世界上没有任何罪恶会遭受这样的惩罚 I was saying that no sin on earth could make such punishment just. 472 00:46:13,000 --> 00:46:15,430 没有任何东西会将我们同我们所爱的事物分开 Nothing can part us from those we have loved 473 00:46:15,630 --> 00:46:18,100 我们爱它们甚于生命 甚于得救本身 more than life, more than salvation itself. 474 00:46:18,340 --> 00:46:21,030 爱比死亡更强大 你的经文就是这么说的 (注:《旧约》雅歌8:6有云"爱情如死之坚强") Love is stronger than death. Your scriptures say so. 475 00:46:21,240 --> 00:46:23,670 我们并没有发明爱 We did not invent love. 476 00:46:24,480 --> 00:46:26,940 爱有它自己的规则 It has its order, its law. 477 00:46:27,610 --> 00:46:29,410 上帝是它的主宰 God is its master. 478 00:46:30,320 --> 00:46:32,480 祂并非爱的主宰 He is not the master of love. 479 00:46:32,920 --> 00:46:34,750 祂就是爱本身 He is love itself. 480 00:46:36,720 --> 00:46:39,620 如果您愿爱 就不要将自己置于爱触不到的地方 If you would love, don't place yourself beyond love's reach. 481 00:46:39,730 --> 00:46:42,590 真是疯了!你对我说话就像对待犯人一样 This is insane! You speak to me as you would to a criminal. 482 00:46:43,430 --> 00:46:45,120 难道我丈夫的不忠 Do my husband's infidelities 483 00:46:45,230 --> 00:46:48,500 我女儿的冷漠 叛逆 仇恨都不算什么吗? and my daughter's indifference and rebellion and hatred count for nothing? 484 00:46:48,600 --> 00:46:50,830 你尽管斥责这些都是我的过错好了! You might as well say it's all my fault! 485 00:46:53,370 --> 00:46:56,670 无人能知道一个邪恶的念头会孕育出何种结果 No one knows what can come of an evil thought in the long run. 486 00:46:58,640 --> 00:47:01,580 我们身上隐匿的罪恶会染污空气 从而毒害他人 Our hidden faults poison the air others breathe. 487 00:47:01,710 --> 00:47:04,810 要是抱着这种想法 你每一天都将熬不下去! You'd never get through the day if you dwelt on such thoughts! 488 00:47:07,220 --> 00:47:08,850 我相信你说的 夫人 I believe that, madam. 489 00:47:10,290 --> 00:47:12,850 我相信 如果上帝用一个清晰理念告知我们 I believe if God gave us a clear idea 490 00:47:13,590 --> 00:47:17,260 我们在善恶之间是如何紧密相连的话 of how closely we are bound to each other in good and evil, 491 00:47:18,200 --> 00:47:20,030 我们的确是活不下去的 we truly could not live. 492 00:47:20,230 --> 00:47:22,960 请教你 这种隐匿的罪恶是什么? Pray tell, what is this hidden sin? 493 00:47:28,640 --> 00:47:30,570 你必须顺从 You must resign yourself. 494 00:47:31,480 --> 00:47:32,940 打开你的心 Open your heart. 495 00:47:33,150 --> 00:47:35,200 顺从?顺从什么? Resign myself? To what? 496 00:47:37,750 --> 00:47:39,510 难道我还不够顺从吗? Am I not resigned? 497 00:47:39,720 --> 00:47:41,690 如果我不顺从的话 我早就死了! If I weren't, I'd be dead. 498 00:47:42,290 --> 00:47:45,310 顺从?我已经过于顺从了 Resigned? I've been too much so. 499 00:47:45,520 --> 00:47:47,820 我真该自杀! I should have killed myself! 500 00:47:48,590 --> 00:47:51,120 我说的不是这种顺从 That's not the resignation I mean. 501 00:47:51,330 --> 00:47:53,320 那又怎样?我去参加弥撒 Then what? I go to Mass. 502 00:47:53,430 --> 00:47:56,400 我本可以完全放弃敬拜活动的 实际上我考虑过 I could have given up worship altogether. Indeed, I thought of it. 503 00:47:58,300 --> 00:48:00,240 你斗胆如此对待上帝! How dare you treat God like that! 504 00:48:00,340 --> 00:48:03,330 我曾平静地活着 我值得在平静中死去 I lived in peace, and I should have died in peace. 505 00:48:03,780 --> 00:48:05,400 那已经不可能了 That is no longer possible. 506 00:48:05,610 --> 00:48:07,580 上帝对我来说已经不再重要 God has ceased to matter to me. 507 00:48:07,750 --> 00:48:11,440 逼迫我承认我恨祂到底能让你得到什么好处 愚人? What will you gain by making me admit I hate Him, you fool? 508 00:48:15,250 --> 00:48:17,310 你现在已经不恨祂了 You don't hate Him now. 509 00:48:17,820 --> 00:48:20,220 你和祂如今终于直面相对了 Now at last you are face-to-face. 510 00:48:20,760 --> 00:48:22,850 祂 和你 He and you. 511 00:48:37,380 --> 00:48:40,240 - 你敢发誓…… - 你不能跟上帝讨价还价 - Do you swear - - You can't bargain with God. 512 00:48:40,350 --> 00:48:42,580 你必须无条件地屈服于祂 You must yield to Him unconditionally. 513 00:48:43,880 --> 00:48:46,010 然而 我能向你保证 But I can assure you 514 00:48:46,120 --> 00:48:49,090 并不存在两个国 一个属于生者 一个属于死者 there isn't one kingdom for the living and one for the dead. 515 00:48:50,360 --> 00:48:53,290 只存在一个国 上帝的国 我们都在其中 There is only the kingdom of God, and we are within it. 516 00:48:54,560 --> 00:48:57,220 在这之前一小段时间里 你知道我在想什么吗? You know what I was wondering a moment ago? 517 00:48:57,830 --> 00:48:59,990 也许我不该告诉你 Perhaps I shouldn't tell you. 518 00:49:01,430 --> 00:49:03,160 我刚才对自己说 I was saying to myself, 519 00:49:03,300 --> 00:49:07,140 "如果在这世界或别的世界上 有上帝所无法掌控的地方 "If there were, in this world or the other, some place free from God, 520 00:49:07,770 --> 00:49:11,000 "就算在那里要每一秒钟经受一次死亡 永生永世 if it meant suffering a death every second, eternally, 521 00:49:12,110 --> 00:49:15,880 "我也愿意带着我的儿子到那里去 I'd carry my son to that place, 522 00:49:17,220 --> 00:49:18,840 "然后对上帝说: and I'd say to God: 523 00:49:19,050 --> 00:49:21,580 '尽祢所能 做出最坏的事来压垮我们吧!'" 'Do Your worst and crush us!'" 524 00:49:22,550 --> 00:49:23,850 这可怕吗? Is that monstrous? 525 00:49:27,990 --> 00:49:29,890 你说不可怕是什么意思? What do you mean, no? 526 00:49:31,000 --> 00:49:32,860 因为我也一样…… Because I too... 527 00:49:34,270 --> 00:49:36,060 有时会这样想 have felt that way at times. 528 00:49:36,270 --> 00:49:38,860 德尔本德医生的形象出现在我面前 Dr. Delbende's image was before me. 529 00:49:39,440 --> 00:49:42,640 他那衰老却坚定的目光正注视着我 His old, unflinching eyes were on me. 530 00:49:43,240 --> 00:49:45,400 那种我惧怕去读解的目光 Eyes which I feared to read. 531 00:49:49,510 --> 00:49:52,010 如果我们的上帝与异教徒或哲学家们的上帝一样 If our God were the god of the pagans or philosophers, 532 00:49:52,320 --> 00:49:54,880 尽管他也许会去最高的天堂中避难 though he might take refuge in the highest heavens, 533 00:49:55,820 --> 00:49:58,380 我们的苦难也会将他唤回人间 our misery would drag him down. 534 00:49:58,960 --> 00:50:01,290 但你也知道 我们的上帝并没有躲藏 But as you know, ours did not wait. 535 00:50:02,260 --> 00:50:04,460 你能对祂施以拳脚 You might shake your fist at Him, 536 00:50:05,060 --> 00:50:06,790 向祂脸上吐痰 spit in His face, 537 00:50:07,000 --> 00:50:08,560 用刑杖鞭打祂 whip Him with rods, 538 00:50:08,800 --> 00:50:11,270 最后将祂钉在十字架上 and finally nail Him to a cross. 539 00:50:12,300 --> 00:50:13,790 那又有什么关系呢? What would it matter? 540 00:50:13,910 --> 00:50:16,900 事已至此 - 我需要对祂说什么话? It is already done. - What must I say to Him? 541 00:50:17,510 --> 00:50:18,480 说: Say: 542 00:50:19,850 --> 00:50:21,570 愿祢的国降临 Thy kingdom come. 543 00:50:22,250 --> 00:50:24,110 愿祢的国降临 Thy kingdom come. 544 00:50:25,250 --> 00:50:27,180 愿祢的旨意得行 Thy will be done. 545 00:50:28,450 --> 00:50:29,480 我说不出口 I can't. 546 00:50:29,690 --> 00:50:32,050 仿佛我要再次失去他 It's as if l were losing him twice over. 547 00:50:32,720 --> 00:50:36,350 您所愿望降临的国 既是您的也是他的 The kingdom whose coming you have just wished for is yours and his. 548 00:50:41,630 --> 00:50:43,830 那么 就让这个国降临吧! Then let that kingdom come! 549 00:50:53,010 --> 00:50:55,710 我想必是憎恨过上帝 所以做出过那种冒犯的事 I must have hated God to insult him as I did. 550 00:50:56,420 --> 00:50:59,250 我搞不好将要怀恨于心地走进坟墓 I might have died with that hatred on my heart. 551 00:51:07,130 --> 00:51:09,590 一个小时前 我的生活貌似还井然有序 An hour ago, my life seemed to me in order, 552 00:51:10,660 --> 00:51:12,650 所有事物都各就其位 each thing in its place. 553 00:51:14,070 --> 00:51:17,430 你却把它们尽数颠覆 You have left nothing standing. 554 00:51:18,440 --> 00:51:20,460 将它献给上帝吧 以它的这副模样 Give it to God just as it is. 555 00:51:20,570 --> 00:51:22,840 你没有理解 You can't understand. 556 00:51:23,510 --> 00:51:25,570 你以为我会这么快就变得顺从! You think I'm so quickly meek! 557 00:51:25,980 --> 00:51:27,880 自尊依然存在于我…… The pride still left in me - 558 00:51:27,980 --> 00:51:30,410 将你的自尊 连同所有一切 献给祂 Give Him your pride along with everything else. 559 00:51:30,750 --> 00:51:32,050 把一切献给祂 Give Him everything. 560 00:51:56,070 --> 00:51:57,670 你疯了 What madness. 561 00:51:58,410 --> 00:52:00,240 原谅我 Forgive me. 562 00:52:00,910 --> 00:52:02,810 上帝并不是酷刑者 God is no torturer. 563 00:52:03,580 --> 00:52:05,740 祂希望我们对自己慈悲 He wants us to be merciful with ourselves. 564 00:52:06,990 --> 00:52:10,280 所作已作 我不能再做什么了 What's done is done. There's nothing I can do. 565 00:52:31,040 --> 00:52:32,630 愿和平与你同在 Peace be with you. 566 00:52:41,320 --> 00:52:44,310 我必须立马离开庄园 前往东巴勒家 I had to leave immediately thereafter for Dombasle 567 00:52:44,520 --> 00:52:46,920 到家的时候已经很晚了 and arrived home very late. 568 00:52:54,630 --> 00:52:58,500 老园丁克洛维斯将一个伯爵夫人寄来的小包裹交给我 Clovis, the old gardener, gave me a parcel from the countess. 569 00:52:59,400 --> 00:53:01,370 我知道里面是什么 I knew what was in it. 570 00:53:01,540 --> 00:53:04,570 那枚小小的项链坠子 照片已不在 链子也坏了 The small medallion, now empty, and its broken chain. 571 00:53:05,480 --> 00:53:07,210 还有一封信 There was a letter as well. 572 00:53:09,710 --> 00:53:12,310 "亲爱的神父 我对那个年轻的生命无望的回忆 "Dear Father, the hopeless memory of one young child 573 00:53:12,520 --> 00:53:15,510 "将我与所有事物隔绝开来 饱尝孤独 had me isolated from everything in a terrifying solitude, 574 00:53:16,320 --> 00:53:19,480 "而现在看来 另外一个孩子已将我从中拯救出来 and it seems as if another child has drawn me out of it. 575 00:53:20,630 --> 00:53:23,820 "我希望称呼你为孩子没有让您觉得屈尊 I hope I don't hurt your pride by calling you a child. 576 00:53:24,300 --> 00:53:27,660 "你是上帝的孩子 愿上帝永远如此呵护你 You are one, and may God keep you so always. 577 00:53:31,640 --> 00:53:33,870 "我自问你是如何做到的 I ask myself how you did it, 578 00:53:34,240 --> 00:53:36,170 "或者说 我不再探问了 or, rather, I have ceased to ask. 579 00:53:36,270 --> 00:53:37,740 "怎么样都好 All is well. 580 00:53:38,580 --> 00:53:40,910 "我之前并不相信能做到顺从 I didn't believe resignation was possible, 581 00:53:41,710 --> 00:53:44,440 "而事实上我感受到的也并非顺从 and in fact it's not resignation that's come over me. 582 00:53:44,650 --> 00:53:47,580 "我不是顺从了 而是感到幸福 I'm not resigned - I'm happy. 583 00:53:49,550 --> 00:53:51,320 "我不再渴望任何东西 I desire nothing. 584 00:53
A / 主角大多数时候都处于一种肢体感被剥夺的状态,为数不多的动作成为一种迟滞的征象,而书写的手则有如模拟理念的运行。与此相对应的是人物在乡村社群与教权体系中的位置,一种嵌入其中但又被排除的有形真空状态。然而在种种压抑中思绪悬浮的空间却被开辟了出来,被拒绝直接共情人物、感应神性的观众又能在某些日常细节中完成共鸣与体验。声音在《此房》里是撒旦的镰刀,在此处则是天堂回响。