1 ) Like a man possessed
这一季最纠结,有很多的曲折反复。第一季留了很多线,Nathan跟Haley闪婚,Luke miss掉了绝杀以及闹心的三角,Keith睡了弟妹,Jake以及孩子云云。于是S02E01里就有了这部剧的第一场wedding。
这对不被男方家所认同的结合注定了先天不足,同样的闪婚有风险,需谨慎。改变总是会产生矛盾,首先便是经济上的。编剧给Haley安排了音乐天赋,试想一下一个high school女孩冲动之下嫁给男孩,婚后有很多预期不到的不愉快跟不和谐。这个时候你生命中最亮眼的天赋被发掘了,然后一个看上去很讨厌但是又很有才华像要约炮一样跟你讲音乐讲梦想。起初你挣扎着放下现实中的一切去完成这个看上去很华丽的梦想是那么的不真实,同时你要离开你爱的人甚至于失去他们。想法一旦扎根就想cancer一样肆虐生长,直到你不愿意让这个机会成为遗憾成为后悔,于是你心动了,行动了。
High school之前的Brook,E14里Mouth的那段演说基本就可以概括了。后来的Brook就用Julian的话来总结好了。我猜想Brook这样的大概就是女生届最好的朋友了,她漂亮聪慧,慷慨富有,交际深人脉广,对朋友仗义对敌人锱铢必较。
As you know, Brook probably is one of the most popular people in school, something I definitely not. And yet, she is my friend. She never care what click I was part of, the kinds of clothe I wore, the fact I had to ride a bus. She look past these stuff. When you think about it, is it what we want our president? Someone who can see past the superficial differences, and brings us together. This year, Brook has herself up and downs, just like all of us. The most you never saw, even if when life got hard, Brook never let it in. She was just Brook, tough, smart, one of a kind. I don’t know about you, but those are the things I look for a leader. Brook Davis is my friend, but that’s was not why I am voting for her, I am voting for her because of her heart, and her spirit, and because she is the best person for the job.
同样的这一季也不属于Peyton。最开始的三角关系,到跟Anna的微妙les,其实说起来Peyton会是个不错的les。跟Jake其实也好温暖呀,just not meant to be而已。
Like A Man Possessed
I go on forever
Older burns are overturned
My life for worse or better
I'm just craving for a cure
Like a man possessed
A requiem
We're singing
Hide the misdemeanors
Never lead an open life
My hands were never cleaner
Not a trace for you to find
Say it, does it show?
Is this test in any other time?
I know, but I don't
I'm blind in every other eye
Cold hands, colder smoke
We sleep anywhere we lie
You're lying if you don't
I'll try, I'll try
2 ) Quots of S2E13
I thought i knew you, but i guess it's easier to see what we want than to look for the truth. You think you know me but you don't, and that means you don't know what i can do. You see me as someone who's popular, and has all the answers. That's not true. I may not always know what I'm doing, but i'll try to make things better. I can't do this alone, but if you'll take a chance on me, we can do great things together. I promise, if you believe in me, I'll find the courage to reach for your every dream. John F. Kennedy said the courage of life is a magnificent mixture of triumph and tragedy. A man does what he must, in spite of personal consequences, in spite of obstacles and dangers and pressures. And that is the basis of all morality.
不喜欢第一季 但是从第二季开始 我爱上了这部美剧
Felix-------Micheal Copon
Haley is a bitch and Nathan is so into her
There are two tragedies in life:one is to lose heart to desire;the other is to gain it. Clearly Shaw had heart broken once or twice.
CMM,Naley和Brooke。兴高采烈地点开301,结果发现Dan没死,顿时两眼一黑,再点开IMDB,Dan Scott/159 episodesWTF,杀了我吧...
分分合合 喜欢那么坚定可又那么胆怯。
对于人物成长的刻画,更胜第一季,特别是Brooke从party girl到student president的成长蜕变。只是Brooke和Lucas为什么总是差一点……