


主演:平野铃  佐藤亮  伊藤绫子  田山幹雄  手塚加奈子  



亲密2012 剧照 NO.1亲密2012 剧照 NO.2亲密2012 剧照 NO.3亲密2012 剧照 NO.4亲密2012 剧照 NO.5亲密2012 剧照 NO.6亲密2012 剧照 NO.13亲密2012 剧照 NO.14亲密2012 剧照 NO.15亲密2012 剧照 NO.16亲密2012 剧照 NO.17亲密2012 剧照 NO.18亲密2012 剧照 NO.19亲密2012 剧照 NO.20
更新时间:2024-04-11 15:45


  擅長在作品中處理人與人的親密感的濱口,以四小時的長度捕捉日常與非日常之間。劇場裡的青年男女為了創作與生存而鬥爭。濱口藉由一個又一個長鏡頭追逐舞台劇的排演過程,耐心等候必然的衝突與 張力,既展現了攝影機暴力的本質,同時 思考「在鏡頭前面演出」是怎麼回事。現實與虛構巧妙交錯,舞台上下的衝突與暴 力,哪一邊才是真實的人生。


 1 ) 转载 Meet the Real Sex Surrogate Portrayed by Helen Hunt in 'The Sessions'





One of my favorite movies of the year is The Sessions, based on the true story of sex surrogate Cheryl Cohen Greene and her work with Berkeley-based poet and journalist Mark O'Brien, who was confined to an iron lung after contracting polio at age 6. The story is riveting, and comprises the first chapter of Cheryl's memoir, An Intimate Life: Sex, Love, and My Journey as a Surrogate Partner.

For forty years, Cheryl has worked in a career that has helped so many people, yet is greatly misunderstood. Here's what she had to say about her life as a sex surrogate:

Lois Alter Mark: I absolutely loved The Sessions, and thought it was such a beautiful and important story that can really open people's minds. How accurate is the movie and what message do you hope viewers will come away with after seeing it?

Cheryl Cohen Greene: Overall, I'm pleased with the level of accuracy in the movie. Of course, there are some things that the film couldn't show because of time limitations, but they really gave an accurate depiction of my work with Mark. The part about Mark and I falling in love was an exception. I would say we fell in like and we shared some very intense, loving moments. We stayed friends for years.

I hope people will come away understanding how important sexuality is for everyone, including people with disabilities. They have the same needs and desires as those of us who don't live with a physical disability. Additionally, I hope people will have a better sense of who surrogate partners are and the services we provide. We offer people the education and experience that can help them move forward in their lives from a more secure, more knowledgeable place.

LAM: Helen Hunt gives a beautiful performance that has deservedly been nominated for an Academy Award. How did it feel to watch her portray you? Did she have any specific questions before she started? What kind of advice did you give her?

CCG: It was incredible! Helen observed me very closely. She herself has said that I'm a louder person than she is, but I really felt she got my energy into her portrayal. She asked a lot about how I work with people and the range of clients I have. We discussed my work with Mark and how I encouraged him to give me feedback. Once, I read the script to her in my own voice so she could get my Boston accent. She also invited me to her home and I demonstrated sensual touch, an exercise I do with clients, on her partner -- fully clothed. Much of what you see with Helen and John in the movie comes directly from my work with Mark. I did bring a mirror to our sessions so Mark could see himself, and I did touch him in much the same way Helen did.

LAM: Because the movie focuses on just one of your clients, I found it fascinating to read your memoir afterwards. You have lived a very rich life, in a world most people have no idea even exists!

CCG: Thank you. I agree! I've been very fortunate.

LAM: It seems that the biggest misconception about surrogates is that they're no different than prostitutes. The movie and your book clearly show how off-base that perception is. I love that you say you're more like Julia Child than Xavier Hollander, and you compare seeing a surrogate to going to culinary school. Can you explain that a little?

CCG: Well, if you go to a prostitute it's like going to a restaurant. You choose what you want for the menu, you eat and hopefully have a good meal, and then you pay accordingly. If you have a good experience, maybe you'll return or refer friends to them. With a surrogate, it's more like going to culinary school. You learn the recipes, you learn your way around the kitchen, and then you go back to your life equipped with new skills and knowledge. I've yet to find a better metaphor for explaining the difference.

LAM: The world was a very different place when you originally started this career. How did you get into it and what does it take to be good at this job?

CCG: It takes compassion and empathy -- not sympathy, but empathy. It also takes having a very good intuitive sense. Surrogates have a process that we follow, but as the work progressives, it really becomes more individualized and it's important for the surrogate to be able to pick up subtle cues from the client.

I got into because it was meant to be! I had a sexually repressive childhood in which I was taught to believe that sex was dirty and wrong, but also that you were supposed to save it for the one you love. When I was pregnant with my first child, I went into therapy because I wanted my children to have a different and better experience from the one I had. In the process of working on myself, I really had to confront all of the shame and guilt I had about my sexuality. I was eventually able to work through it and free myself of it, even though it was intense. That made me believe that this was possible for others, too, and I wanted to help people not just overcome negative feelings about sexuality, but become more accepting and happy as sexual beings.

LAM: Although sex is all over the place now and it seems like there's a no-holds-barred attitude, the number of surrogates has actually decreased since you started. Why is that? What have been the biggest changes you've seen in our sexual culture over the past 40 years?

CCG: The biggest challenge has always been people's shame and guilt. In the sixties and seventies, people were rejecting that and trying to redefine their attitudes about sex. When AIDS happened, people became understandably scared and surrogates were no exception. A lot of them left the field. Those of us who stayed thought it was frightening too. We made a real effort to understand safer sex and to become condom positive. Most of our clients are low risk because they haven't had a lot of sex, but there was still a certain amount of risk that we faced. We had to have a new dialogue. Before AIDS, we asked if a client wanted to use a condom; now, it's taken as a given that he will, and if he refuses, we won't have intercourse. Surrogates became better sex educators because we had to be much better informed. We were up against something much more serious than syphilis and gonorrhea.

There are only about 50 trained surrogates in the U.S. now. That number was up to around 200 in the seventies. We're trying to find young men and women to come into the field and I hope the movie will spark interest in the profession.

LAM: What's the most difficult part of being a surrogate?

CCG: The most difficult part is probably to not continue to be a surrogate when you're with your partner. We're trained to be highly aware of what the client does and feels. Surrogacy is highly client-centric and the surrogate has to be closely attuned to her client. Sex with a partner is a much more shared experience and you don't want to find yourself becoming a spectator or losing touch with your own body. It took a while for me to learn not to be a surrogate all the time.

LAM: What's the scariest part?

CCG: I don't really find anything scary about my work. People are often surprised to hear that. There have only been very few instances where I felt scared with a client. One I detail in An Intimate Life. The other was with a man who had a lot of unresolved anger at his ex-wife, whom I apparently looked like. All my clients are screened by the referring therapist and it's appropriate for them to be working with me. In truth, surrogacy is, at least initially, probably way scarier for them than it ever is for me.

LAM: You are a breast cancer survivor, and you underwent a mastectomy in 2006. How did that affect your own body image as well as your practice?

CCG: It threw me for a loop at first, but I knew instantly that I didn't want to stop working. I had to learn a new dialogue about my body. I found myself trying to come to grips with the loss of a friend. I loved my breast. I loved the sensation I had in my nipple and it happens that the breast I had removed was the more sensitive of the two. I took a philosophical attitude. I had both breasts at one time in my life, and I enjoyed them, but to be alive was more important.

LAM: How has being a surrogate affected your personal relationships?

CCG: I think I have richer personal relationships because of my work. Who I am and what I do is so different than what others do. I have fabulous friends and a loving husband, and my work has helped me be more empathetic and compassionate with all of them.

LAM: You're 68 years old now and are still working. What's been the most rewarding part of your career? What do you see for the future?

CCG: I'm going to continue my surrogacy practice for as long as I can. I love the idea of having a public platform and being able to do more education. One thing I would absolutely love to do is to serve as a sex educator for parents. How parents address sexuality has a huge impact on kids, and I'd like to make sure it's a positive one. I'd love to help give parents the knowledge and tools they need to raise happy and healthy kids.

 2 ) 那么渺小,那么伟大








 3 ) I am not a virgin. Let me touch you with my words.

deeply touched. 非常精准,连过渡都不是无谓的,像是把浩瀚如汪洋的深刻感受和体会全部浓缩到一个个简洁的片段里。虽然……Mark的表现不足以让我理解为什么女性会爱上他,我也不相信她真的能高潮。非常多戳点,比如她拿着镜子对他说,It's your body. 最动人的,是每一个体验都非常深刻,像是在巨大的空间里呼啸兜转了多年后,吐出的一个轻声而简短的叹息。但仅从那表面的平静叹息里,都能些微地感受到底下猛烈盘旋的风。feelings are mixed, and that is why it is perfect.

Ignore my wishes and stubbornly refused to carry out my quietest desire. Bury the torches.

 4 ) Love Poem for No One in Particular

Let me touch you with my words

For my hands

Lie limp as empty gloves.

Let my words stroke your hair.

Slide down your back and tickle your belly.

For my hands.

Light and free-flying as bricks.

Ignore my wishes and stubbornly refuse to carry out my quietest desires.

Let my words enter your mind.

Bearing torches.

Admit them willingly into your being.

So they may caress you gently,within.

 5 ) 相关影讯









  他找到的这个性从业者叫做谢丽尔·科恩·格林,是一个从事性工作已经有一些年头的女人。在和奥·布莱恩行房、得到报酬之后,便离开了奥·布莱恩,再也没有和他有任何联系。而奥·布莱恩,则把他的这次性经验写在了自己的文章《体验性治疗》(On Seeing a Sex Surrogate),并发表在了1990年的一期《太阳杂志》上。后来,马克·奥·布莱恩出版了自己的传记,《我是怎么变成人的:残障人士寻求独立》(How I Became a Human Being: A Disabled Man's Quest for Independence)。这本书,除了记述了马克·奥·布莱恩平时的生活起居,更是详细介绍了他对生活、生命以及生命意义的看法。而那次寻找性工作者的"破处经历"也成为了马克·奥·布莱恩从男孩向男人转变,寻求生命意义的里程碑式的事件。



  本片的编辑兼导演本·勒温(Ben Lewin)或许会对奥·布莱恩的生活和经历更有体会,因为他在小的时候也曾经患过脊髓灰质炎。不过,幸运的是,他活了下来,逃过了一劫,并且非常健康。也是出自偶然,勒温才得知奥·布莱恩的故事的。那个时候,勒温正在寻找讲述残疾人士性爱行为的资料,他想就这个话题拍摄一部电影。就这么在网上搜搜点点,他看到了奥·布莱恩的那篇著名的文章《体验性治疗》。看完了文章之后,勒温深受感动,他觉得奥·布莱恩的这篇文章可以被拍成一部完整的影片。勒温说:"对我来说,奥·布莱恩的文字是充满情感的,而且也是非常完整的。足够拍摄成一部大电影了。他所撰写的内容,睿智而且机智,充满了智慧和幽默。我能做的,就是在影片中把这些情绪加强,形成戏剧的力量。"在撰写剧本的过程中,勒温把自己与脊髓灰质炎对抗的经历和自己对这种疾病的体验都放入到了故事和人物的身上。而且,在撰写剧本的过程中,他还找到了奥·布莱恩最后岁月的伴侣苏珊·芬巴赫、那个为奥·布莱恩破处的性从业者谢丽尔·科恩·格林,从她们的身上寻找可用的素材。



·影片的原名叫做《代理》(The Surrogate)。后来改成了现在的The Sessions。

·影片根据马克·奥·布莱恩(Mark O'Brien)的真实的故事改编。


 6 ) 几件美好的事

       I can touch you with my words
       and do it respectable
       神父在Mark的葬礼上讲,His was a dynamic voice in a paralyzed body.

       Love Poem for No One in Particular

       Let me touch you with my words
       For my hands lie limp as empty gloves
       Let my words stroke your hair
       Slide down your back and tickle your belly
       For my hands light and free-flying as bricks
       Ignore my wishes and stubbornly refuse
       To carry out my quietest desires
       Let my words enter your mind
       Bearing torches
       Admit them willingly into your being
       So they may caress you gently within



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7.5分。整部电影里通篇都是在谈性爱,情色,而且尺度也大到了露三点,但看下来却丝毫没有猥琐,淫荡的感觉。反倒有一种轻轻的触动。整部电影拍得如春天午后的阳光,晒在身上带来丝丝暖意,但又不会让人热得难受。相比Helen Hunt,我倒更喜欢John Hawkes,没能获得奥斯卡提名有些可惜了。

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