本片是英国著名的喜剧团体Monty Python的成员特里琼斯 (Terry Jones)导演的一部荒诞不经的调侃宗教的电影,故事的发生地在巴勒斯坦,讲述了一个普通的男人被世人误认为是弥赛亚(犹太人企盼的复国救主),由此引发了许多啼笑皆非的故事,一如Monty Python所有的电影那般,特里琼斯在这部电影中也使用了大量荒诞无厘头的笑料,电影以圣经为原型,由头至尾都充斥着颠覆,嘲讽的意味,对于虔诚的宗教人士来说,这部电影确实是场巨大的灾难。
This movie was of great fun, and I can't help laughing from the beginning of it to the end. To watch this movie, it's better for one to learn some Christian or at least to read the fist chapters of the Holy Bible in advance before enjoying it. Of course, better not to watch it if you are a devout religious guy. There are full of black humours inside. The story of Jesus Christ's birth was totally rewritten in the tone of black humour: there was nothing saint, a fellow named Brian who was born as Jesus and he was the only regular guy in the movie and thus was taken as Messiah; superstitious public who believe they need a god to rescue them but they don't know why they need to rebel Roman's rule; bureaucratic Jewish officials who did care nothing but their copious democratic procedures; stupid stutter Roman officials, etc. Actually, this is really a mirror of our modern society.
"He's making it up as he goes along!" That might be the funniest and most trenchant line in "Monty Python's Life of Brian," the 1979 comic classic that is being rereleased this summer as a sort of satiric antidote to the sanctimony that has taken over screen religion in recent months. The scene takes place in A.D. 33, when a Judean citizen named Brian Cohen (Graham Chapman) finds himself taken for the Messiah. The more he demurs -- he actually pretended to be a prophet while trying to escape from the Roman guards who were chasing him -- the more his protestations sound to his followers like divine pronouncements. As one disciple says, the surest sign that someone is a Messiah is that he denies being the Messiah. Such are the tautologies, inconsistencies and self-fulfilling prophecies of organized religion that the Pythons poke fun at in "Life of Brian," which in the years since its original release in 1979 has retained nearly every bit of its cheeky good humor. From the opening sequence, in which Brian is born in a manger next door to Joseph and Mary's, to the classic closing musical number of "Always Look on the Bright Side of Life," sung by a chorus of crucified criminals, "Life of Brian" leaves no piety unscathed. And it's the apotheosis of Pythonesque humor, an absurdist grab bag of the non sequiturs, puns and bawdy Britishisms that endeared the comedy troupe to the generation of Americans who came of age during the run of "Monty Python's Flying Circus" on TV in the 1970s. If a few of the jokes are dated -- who can laugh wholeheartedly at any line involving terrorists these days? -- the movie still holds up beautifully, as both pointed satire and silly, stakes-free comedy. The memorable set pieces still work, from the crowd scene at Jesus's Sermon on the Mount ("Did he say, 'Blessed are thecheesemakers?' ") to the hilariously interminable sequence during which Michael Palin's Pontius Pilate invokes over and over again a friend back in Rome whose Latin name is a sophomorically funny double-entendre. (You won't watch "Gladiator" again anytime soon without cracking up at Russell Crowe and Joaquin Phoenix's somber Latinate intonations.) The Pythons may have been brilliant, but they weren't above the broadest humor available, including giving speech impediments to Pilate and his friend; viewers are advised to go ahead and laugh -- there will be plenty of time to hate themselves in the morning. It's easy to forget that, as much fun as the Pythons have at religion's expense, "Life of Brian" was just as much a sendup of lefty sectarian politics. For the first half of the movie, the title character is a member of an anti-imperialist political cell that is determined to rout the Romans out of Judea. With their spot-on depictions of the movement's endless meetings, earnest self-seriousness and rhetorical excess, it's clear that the Pythons were impaling political correctness long before the term made its way into the public vernacular. John Cleese, who like his fellow cast members takes on multiple roles in "Life of Brian," is particularly effective as Reg, the hypocritical tyrant who leads the People's Front of Judea, a splinter group of the Judean People's Front. Whether he's playing an ancient version of a Weatherman or a Roman guard who forces Brian to correct his Latin while painting "Romans Go Home!" on a garrison wall, Cleese nearly steals the show in "Life of Brian," as does Terry Jones as Mandy, Brian's mother ("Now you listen here," Jones screams in his familiar falsetto when her son's followers show up at her home, "he'snotthe Messiah, he's avery naughty boy."). Chapman is suitably bland as the naif who becomes the repository of his disciples' most profound projections and anxieties. And it's in these sequences that "Life of Brian" isn't just ridiculous but sublime. Given "Brian's" combination of secular humanist whimsy and surprising theological wisdom, it's hard to believe that it was such a controversial film when it first came out. (It was banned in Norway, Ireland and parts of England for blasphemy; in America, Jewish, Catholic and Protestant leaders all denounced it.) Of course, given the current heightened tenor of religious rhetoric and paranoia, it may well wind up pushing brand-new buttons today. To quote Michael Palin quoting Jesus, "There's just no pleasing some people."
结局听到游戏中熟悉的always look on the bright side oflife,才知道原来出自这部电影!必须大赞。开头三位从东方来的智者受星相指引来到耶路撒冷,指示弥赛亚的降世,向其表示敬意,却走错了地方,来到brain家中。长大的brain加入people's front of judean,行动中被罗马大兵抓。反对罗马人要把罗马人赶出去的brains此时声称自己是罗马人(他的母亲玛丽亚说自己被罗马人强奸),机缘巧合的brain逃出了监狱,为躲避大兵假装在街上传经,结果却被信众狂热追捧。他急切的想要大家不要追随他了,“不要祈祷别人告诉你怎么做。你们每个人都是不同的个人”,信众们得到指引依然狂热近乎无脑。最后brain被绑上了十字架,所谓的信仰者赞许他的牺牲肯定他的伟大,并支持他的死去。
1.不若[巨蟒与圣杯]对形式与文本的颠覆来得彻底,也不够好笑,但几位士兵使劲憋笑的桥段(biggus dickus)与结巴助手的窘况令我狂笑不止。2.纠正"罗马人回家"的语法错误并伐刷100遍。3.只要男人愿意,他就有权利生孩子。4.尾声的十字架群唱,媒介自嘲与推荐电影——安东尼奥尼[夜]。(8.5/10)
Always Look on the Bright Side of Life~ ★★★★☆
我怎么觉得结尾那首always look on the bright side of life 也是个讽刺呢?布赖恩从头到尾都没唱啊。
IMDb Top Rated Movies #174:<Life of Brian>是一部关于生命的荒谬的幽默剧。荒谬意味着悖论,目的和结果的背道而驰,“合理”的不合理性。—— 事实证明,相较于影迷们口中更为权威的电影网站IMDb所筛选出的Top 250,还是豆瓣电影Top 250里的片子更符合我的口味。虽然它俩只是我的观影参考对象而已。
always look on the bright side of life 这就是这首歌的出处 英国的贱货幽默理解不能啊
荒诞讽刺,无法打星,有的地方实在困惑。。。记住了一句话,always look on the bright side of life。
看到百夫长给布莱恩纠正拉丁文语法的地方就笑了,想起了Eddie Izzard的拉丁文段子,Eddie说得没错,“我们搞喜剧的基本上每个人都从Monty Python那儿偷师。”Python影响了一代又一代的荒诞喜剧。本片对宗教人士的讽刺也是不遗余力,在英国,几乎每个优秀的喜剧演员都是无神论者。
Biggus Dickus
3.2 分了兩段才耐住性子看完。Terry Gilliam還是要比Jones高!
这部影片是喜剧团体Monty Python继《巨蟒与圣杯》之后制作的又一部荒诞搞笑大作。这部无厘头电影不仅和前作一样进入了IMDb250,而且还入选了《Time Out》杂志评选的“史上最佳100部英国电影”。如果说《圣杯》是对历史的一次恶搞,那么这部作品就是对宗教颠覆和嘲讽,宗教人士必然会反感。
前半部三星,后半部五星..这居然是79年的片子啊!!果然英国佬的黑色幽默经久不衰.....the bright side of life居然是这部片子里出来的。。我还以为是借用呢。。果然是世界级的好片啊~本片之所以输巨蟒与圣杯就是因为基督教这个敏感的话题。。。
6.5 最烦这种恶搞电影,琼斯的巨蟒与圣杯看一半就看不下去。这部电影也是坚持看完。
正确的打开方式是看完宾虚, 哈欠连天, 心说, 太假了, 然后打开这个, 哈哈哈哈哈, 太淘气了, 好提神. 世界本来是这个样子才对嘛. 先看了宾虚也更能get到笑点.
3.5 果然和《巨蟒与圣杯》是一个团队的作品,一贯的无厘头和搞怪以及浮夸到漫无边际的想象力,但不如《圣杯》。这里面没有什么不可以,就看你如何去解构这部电影。内涵都是需要人们去解读的,经典也是一样,当然就如片中的布莱恩忽然间被乌合之众奉为上帝之子一样,既是反讽,也是自嘲。
可能当时很好看 毕竟是老片子了 很多段子不能理解或者是不符合现在的口味了