

主演:Tracy GrandstaffWendy HoopesJulian Dean



拽妹黛薇儿第二季 剧照 NO.1 拽妹黛薇儿第二季 剧照 NO.2 拽妹黛薇儿第二季 剧照 NO.3 拽妹黛薇儿第二季 剧照 NO.4 拽妹黛薇儿第二季 剧照 NO.5 拽妹黛薇儿第二季 剧照 NO.6 拽妹黛薇儿第二季 剧照 NO.13 拽妹黛薇儿第二季 剧照 NO.14
更新时间:2024-04-11 15:47


  『Daria,跩妹黛薇儿』是继1993年『Beavis & Butt-head瘪四与大头蛋』之后MTV力捧的另一部以年轻女孩为主角的卡通动画影集,1997年3月于美国MTV全球首播,不到一年时间Daria声名大噪,成为全纽约最跩的女高中生。


1 ) Daria S02E05

What kind of car is that? That's not a car. It's a time machine. You have a very old soul. It just looks mature for its age. It's a rare opportunity to learn more about Mom and Dad. Why would we want to do that? To use against them later. There's nothing like watching the sun rise, except watching the sun set in reverse. We think there's enough aggressive behavior on the planet, without creating more with quote unquote "healthy competition". You can always tell when a bread isn't hand-kneaded. Hand-kneaded bread has more soul. Don't you see? So-called enlightened dudes are oppressing women, just like society is putting down the movement. I want some help, and I want it now! Wow. Sounds like the girls are getting liberated. Cool. We are still that way, deep down. What way? Free of the shallow, superficial value system of a profit-driven culture. Oh, sure, we're that way!

2 ) Sick sad world

We’re here for you no matter what.

Everyone slips up now and then.

Your youthful integrity is tearing your family apart.

We’ll resume the age-old hostilities that

Have made peace in this region of the house a seeming impossibility.

But this stupid thing will be our idea.

There are plenty of tiny-brained prehistoric creatures right here.

I guess tormenting me in the privacy of my own home wasn’t enough.

Do you think that atrophied, pea-sized cluster of cell

That you refer to as your brain

Twenty decades of legal slavery.

Twenty two years of my life, gone!

That remains to be seen.

What a hideous twist of fate. Me, a bridesmaid.

I think I’m going to be ill.

Is that a problem for you?

Well, I think my humiliation is complete now.

I spoke too soon.

When you hear yourself talk, does it make sense to you?

I thought if you two could put aside years of grudge,

Why couldn’t I, for a day.

Hey, what’s the point of a senseless tragedy

If you can’t find a little humor in it?

I like the way you think.

Just a little pointless chit chat. Forget it.

Day to day life isn’t humiliating enough.

Sarcasm. It’s a great way to deal.

Is life always tawdry, stupid, and humiliating,

Or is it just a phase?

Just a phase.

I’m expecting to grow out of it anytime now.

That could scar you for life.

The birth itself did that.

Most people would rather watch a movie than read a book.

It’s fast, it’s easy, and you don’t have to worry about your lips moving.

I’m about to go into auto-sleep myself.

Life is a meaningless descent into the void.

Hell is other people.

On second thought, hell is myself.

She’s strangely mesmerizing.


She’s got star quality, all right.

Not everyone can live up to them.

An honest day’s pay for an honest day’s work,

And stop chiseling away at our benefits!

Anything you say can and will be used against you.

If you don’t respond to drug therapy, I’ll authorize electric shock.

Are you sure you haven’t take her out of context?

She creates her own context.

Maybe it’s not that important, but, you know, it’s what I can do.

You know the conscious I don’t have? It got to me.

We set out to make an expose, it ends up a love letter.

See, we’re like artists, and this is how we screw ourselves.

There’s nothing like watching the sunrise,

Except watching the sunset in reverse.

My old soul has already made their acquaintance in a previous lifetime.

It was easier to stay up all night than to wake up early.

I guess they call it a flea market because it makes you want to flee.

That’s so two years ago.

I really feel centered now.

In about ten years he should emerge as a butterfly.

This is the ace up your sleeves.

Their sunny Sixties optimism

Tends to cancel out my bitter Nineties cynicism.

Yeah. They are big believers in the concept of voluntary simplicity.

Man, maybe, but not the man.

What happened to being part of the solution, not part of the problem?

Our primitive hunting instinct has no outlet in modern society.

So, rather than stalking animals,

We substitute the shopping experience, and hunt for objects.

At least, they’re not caught up in a constant state of consumer frenzy.

The lead singer carries the tune, and the backup singers support her.

You chime in at just the right moment.

And then you fade into the background. Doesn’t that make sense?

I’ll take the Vegas odds on that one.

Sometimes your shallowness is so thorough, it’s almost like depth.

But won’t that demotivate your other daughter,

Whose work is constantly good?

You know, it’s like she reads my mind.

Right after you suffered a severe blow of the head.

The greasy fry, it cannot lie.

Its truth is written on your thighs.

Well, you know, condition people to expect nothing,

And the least little something gets them all excited.

Never mind. Return to your world, and I’ll return to mine.

Don’t people know the difference between good and bad?

There is different standards for cute people.

You mean, no standards.

When you donate an organ, unless it’s your eyes.

How can I betray something I don’t believe in?

And I act like it’s nuclear waste.

Okay, now you’re being sarcastic.

Yeah, and that’s exactly why they would laugh me out of town if I tried.

Are you sure annoying your parents is good grounds for a relationship?

It was for Romeo and Juliet.

Besides, if you are drafted, you need to know about them.

You must have some goal.

My goal is not to wake up at 40 with the bitter realization

That I’ve wasted my life in a job I hate

Because I was forced to decide on a career in my teens.

I guess you can be intellectually gifted and still be morally bankrupt.

Thank God for standardized tests,

Otherwise you’d never know who your real friends are.

Just because some jock made you feel like the loser you are,

Don’t take it out on me.

Who cares? You are still boring and miserable!

Try taking your head out of your butt for once

And opening up your myopic little eyes.

Or doesn’t your 165 IQ make you smart enough to see the way you really are?

You realize your negative approach to everything is self-defeating, right?

Well, it’s nice to know there is someone I can defeat.

I mean, you may spare yourself some pain by cutting everyone off,

But you miss out on a lot of good stuff, too.

I’m too smart and too sensitive to live in a world

Like ours at a time like this with a sister like mine.

Maybe I do miss out on stuff, but this attitude is what works for me now.

Then you’ll understand what works for me now.

I can say or do whatever feels right.

But at school, I’m the Queen of the Negroes.

The perfect African-American teen.

The role model for all of the other African-American teens at Lawndale.

I’m not saying all the time.

This story I’ve gotta hear.

Rent a brain.

It’s about all the things a good attitude can get you.

I didn’t even know I was making it until it was made.

What could be giving you anxiety, sweetie?

Um, let’s see. Every aspect of my life?

So no one would pester him to do a sequel?

Admiring it from the safe distance of my room.

He’s not worth it. No guy is.

Should we get our futures read?

I’ll pass. Knowing the present is bad enough.

Look, don’t flush your entire world down the drain

Just because some jerk didn’t ask you out on a second date.

It probably had nothing to do with you anyway.

We’re exercising our right to abstain from cheerleader practice.

Whoever said life was fair?

I don’t know, but I’ll bet he was a quarterback.

I’m not going to jump up and down like an idiot to prove to the world

What I don’t believe which is that jocks are great.

What I mean is, this double standard has got to end, right?

Her vestigial sense of right and wrong was acting up again.

You’re deadbeats with style.

I guess you can be born in the 80’s and still stuck in the 50’s.

I’d particularly like to run up and down your spine wearing track spikes.

Hey, if she’s the pathetic one, why am I talking to myself?

When you’re a winner, everybody wants to be your friend.

You mean the ones who made incredibly humiliating jokes at my expense?

Thanks, but I stand by my decision.

It’s a totally artificial holiday created to stimulate the economy.

That’s what they want you to believe.

None of your trick questions, young man.

You are behaving strangely.

No. it just seems too much like getting tortured

For the sake of some subculture’s notion of beauty.

Be patient. All will be revealed.

Does anybody know why we’re here?

Do you have to look at everything in such a negative light?

Could you possibly be referring to the harsh light of reality?

Take people you know and have them do whatever you want.

I mean, if I were going to write about mating rituals,

I think I’d go back a couple hundred years,

When women either married or shriveled up and blew away.

Instead of marrying and then shriveling up, like they do now?

I need some time alone to work out my feelings.

No, I’ve written a lot of stuff, but it’s not up to my standards.

And that disturbs me, because I don’t have standards.

To make what we learn in real life and turn it into something that’s not really real,

But has a real life all its own.

Sometimes boundaries can paradoxically provide us with freedom.

There is no Parenting 101.

That’s the problem.

There’s no course that can teach you to be a perfect mother.

Everything I do has already been done.

Maybe you’re trying too hard.

Maybe you don’t have to write something meaningful, just something honest.

I look around me, I describe what I see.

What’s hard is being honest about your wishes.

About the way you think things should be, not the way they are.

And nobody finds out what you really believe in.

She took it as evidence that I’m secretly not as alienated as I seem or something.

It’ll take me years to undo the damage.

3 ) BGM 大合集

Dead Weight-Beck
AlmaMatters- Morrissey
Dammit- Blink 182
IWantToBeThereWhenYouCome- Echo&theBunnymen
Legend of a Cowgirl- Imani Coppola

GettingJiggyWitIt- Will Smith
AllAroundtheWorld- Oasis
SonofaGun- The Vaselines
I'm afraid of Americans- David Bowie

WishingAndHoping- AniDiFranco

WhatDoYouWantfromMe?- Monaco
Alright- Supergrass

Turn!Turn!Turn!- The Byrds

Life in Mono-Mono
Change-The Lightning Seeds


Closing Time-Semisonic
Jump Right In-The Urge
U16 Girls-Travis
Only You-Portishead
No Surprises-Radiohead
Stop-Spice Girls
Live on Tomorrow-Juliana Hatfield

How can you expect to be taken seriously-Pet Shop Boys

Revolution 909-Daft Punk
The Simple Kind of Life-No Doubt
Jimmy James-Beastie Boys
Talking To Myself-Clara Thomas

This Is Hardcore-Pulp
Cut You In-Jerry Cantrell
I'm Your Boogie Man-White Zombie
Illusions-Cypress Hill
If You Can't Say No-Lenny Kravitz
Close To You-Ethyl Meatplow
Teardrop- Massive Attack
1.DavidJay2.PeterMurphy3.KevinHaskins4.DanielAsh- Bauhaus


4 ) 对自己的清醒认知

虽然不丧也不sarcastic,也没有被社交皇后妹妹quinn激出trauma,但免不得把自己代入daria,这可能就是灵魂伴侣吧,an ideal friend>~<




类似于 我知道我这么消极的根源在哪里 同时这根源也是让我固守现在角色的原因 这就是真正的我 可能不够理想但我依然可以坦然接受自己 的态度[赞]

其实也蛮喜欢quinn的,daria评价得很对:the depths in the shallowness 就是quinn本人哈哈哈哈哈哈 天生有魅力和影响力 从不尴尬 社交queen大家都爱她喜欢模仿她,看着是很典型的mean girl




5 ) Helen

原来母亲如此了解女儿的想法,想必Helen年轻的时候也是桀骜不羁的妹子,那么问题又来了,他是怎么看上了Daria的爹? Daria, the easiest thing in the world for you is being honest about what you observed, what's hard for you is being honest about your wishes, about the way you think things should be, not the way they are. You gloss over it with a cynical joke and nobody finds out what you really believe in. If you really want to be honest, be truthful about what you'd like to happen, there's the challenge.



  • ρσυ²
  • 力荐

很认真地讲 非常想看《sick sad world》

  • Tuvary
  • 力荐

我的妈惹我爱死Daria和Jane了,Trent is so sexy,Quinn情商好高,Brittany和Kevin也好可爱。

  • redphobiia
  • 力荐

Daria&Trent simply the cutest couple in the anime history!!!(at least todayTT)好想死我要哭了我要制造hate crime了 Quinn my spiritual animal

  • 根斯巴克连续体
  • 力荐


  • 金敏丧
  • 推荐

非常想看sick sad world

  • Mute_Chlid
  • 力荐


  • 想發呆的貓
  • 力荐


  • SleepyMieMie
  • 力荐

You're a human anyway.

  • Nanccccccy
  • 力荐


  • 踢迩达
  • 力荐


  • mariewyssa
  • 力荐


  • 莉莉玛莲
  • 力荐

中产阶级家庭喜剧的路数其实有迹可循,比如书呆和绣花枕头的姐妹花组合,一直被沿用到《摩登家庭》也没过时。当然这一季里面最真切的是Daria意识到自己并没有那么愤世嫉俗,死党加入田径社那一刻的反应,产生了跟电影《社交网络》里类似的戏剧冲突。Trent果然还是teenage dream

  • 半个桃李林檎
  • 力荐


  • Vincent
  • 力荐

Daria, the easiest thing in the world for you is being honest about what you observe. What's hard for you is being honest about your wishes. About the way you think things should be, not the way they are.... If you really want to be honest, be truthful about what you’d like to happen. There’s a challenge.

  • water
  • 力荐

Intelligence is always sexy. 一口气儿看了两季,然后成功治好了我本季度的“写稿没滋没味综合症”。如果让我选,我肯定宁可自己是脑子好使可惜没人爱的Daria,也不想当金发傻妞Quinn。p.s. Daria和Trent哥哥这一对好萌,少女情怀总是作!

  • 喵尔摩丝
  • 力荐


  • 力荐

12集甜到我 四肢蜷缩 哭唧唧

  • HHG
  • 力荐


  • 老霸王一心过夏
  • 力荐


  • 砒霜拌飯
  • 力荐


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