


主演:伊恩·格雷  诺拉简·努恩  基连·斯科特  



杰克·泰勒第一季 剧照 NO.1杰克·泰勒第一季 剧照 NO.2杰克·泰勒第一季 剧照 NO.3杰克·泰勒第一季 剧照 NO.4杰克·泰勒第一季 剧照 NO.5杰克·泰勒第一季 剧照 NO.6杰克·泰勒第一季 剧照 NO.13杰克·泰勒第一季 剧照 NO.14杰克·泰勒第一季 剧照 NO.15杰克·泰勒第一季 剧照 NO.16杰克·泰勒第一季 剧照 NO.17杰克·泰勒第一季 剧照 NO.18杰克·泰勒第一季 剧照 NO.19杰克·泰勒第一季 剧照 NO.20
更新时间:2023-09-16 15:50


  Ex-cop Jack Taylor earns a reputation for being a tough-as-nails private investigator who's not afraid to take on vigilantes or track down killers.


 1 ) 我们得到的爱,最终都要为之付出代价




汤米是谢尔比家唯一的另类,亚瑟约翰和艾达一看就知道是一家人,个性都是冲动鲁莽少根筋。但是汤米不一样,冷静沉着又工于心计,有胆识有野心也有生意头脑,还巧舌如簧,能言善道(PS.看他老爹忽悠亚瑟那番天花乱坠的屁话就知道基因不说谎,谢尔比家品牌,鬼扯的质量保障 = =)。

但是这样的汤米,却爱上了格雷斯。开始楼主也觉得格雷斯的设定不够好,她没有匹敌汤米的智谋和胆识,身份伪装的也不够慎密,甚至没多少存在感,但后来我开始慢慢理解编剧这样的设定。Peaky Blinders 不是无间道,格雷斯之于汤米也不是陈永仁之于刘建明。格雷斯对于汤米来说是更像一个救赎而非对手。她外表善良正派,举止端庄得体,身上有种平凡但温暖的特质,这种特质让格雷斯在混乱堕落的伯明翰显得格格不入,吸引了汤米的注意,在汤米还没来得及深入了解格雷斯时,他内心的渴望便打乱了自己的计划,他急切的希望将格雷斯留下,甚至主动向她提供了一份管理账本的工作。谨慎如汤米,在得知格雷斯几次对他说谎的情况下,却依然将自己的信任无条件交付出去,生存的压力,战争的创伤已经让他的内心疲倦孤独了太久,他太需要温暖,哪怕只有短暂的片刻。在格雷斯家的夜晚,汤米说他听不到铁楸挖墙的声音了,就像之前在酒吧听着格雷斯的歌声入睡一样,或许格雷斯对于汤米来说,就像太阳一样散发着光热,他只想尽情享受这宝贵的温暖和宁静,至于格雷斯神秘的过去是什么,汤米已经不想或不敢去深究。坎贝尔警长说过“我们得到的爱,最终都要为之付出代价”,弗莱迪嘲笑过汤米根本不知道爱为何物,现在汤米知道了,却要面对它其实是毒药这个事实,这就是汤米付出的代价,或者是他运气差,爱上了错的人,但是我们又怎么知道下一个遇到的人是对的呢?在那个年代,爱几乎就是一件稀有的奢侈品。最后格雷斯离开了,汤米又一个人了,即使是除掉比利金波这个喜大普奔的日子,在酒吧里同族人们庆祝的汤米仍然显得形单影只,看汤米最后落寞疲惫甚至有些呆滞的表情,波莉安慰他说,他以后还会爱上别人的,也许他会,也许他不会,但无论如何,汤米再不可能像爱格雷斯一样再爱上另一个人了。

 2 ) 我理解里的老大和卧底


3.一旦被卧底探出了什么,上级组织出于保护卧底的原因不能马上行动,至少不能马上让帮派知道有人泄了密。当然,除非卧底干完这票就跑ㄟ( ▔, ▔ )ㄏ  







Peaky Blinders' Cillian Murphy talks Brummies, Batman, and why he doesn't use Twitter
We have entered the third golden age of telly. Kevin Spacey hit the headlines recently using the phrase, GQ writer Brett Martin has a new book out, Difficult Men: Behind the Scenes of a Creative Revolution, on the topic and critics around the world are chattering about it.

The Wire, The Sopranos, Mad Men, Breaking Bad, Boardwalk Empire: a (mostly American) wave of ambitious dramas has shown that telly is now smarter and more ambitious than cinema.

Peaky Blinders, created by Dirty Pretty Things writer Steven Knight, is among the best of the British attempts to compete with these monolithic super shows. Playing like a Brummie Boardwalk Empire and similarly set after the first world war, it follows Cillian Murphy’s Tommy Shelby, a gang leader who’s just returned from the trenches damaged and still in possession of his gun.

In a Birmingham that was at the time a major centre of industry, he finds himself jockeying for position alongside Communists, the IRA and a particularly ruthless Northern Irish police chief (played with vigour by Sam Neill). Favourite of both Danny Boyle and Christopher Nolan, Cork boy Murphy has become a proper Hollywood celeb in the last few years, but he insists that choosing a BBC Two mini-series for his next job is not as odd as it seems. Peaky Blinders fits in just fine, he says, beside 28 Days Later, Sunshine, The Dark Knight and Inception.

Peaky Blinders is a project that has clearly captured Murphy’s imagination; he spent hours listening to archive recordings of Brummies to get the accent right, as well as thoroughly immersing himself in the period. It also allowed him to stay close to his house in north London, his wife, artist Yvonne McGuinness, and his two young sons, seven-year-old Malachy and six-year-old Carrick. It’s from the kitchen in that family home, sustained by a cup of Barry’s Tea (his favourite Irish brew), that he’s speaking to The Big Issue…

Tell us about your character in Peaky Blinders.
Tommy’s been sent home from the trenches. These men came back and they were just spat out into society without any help. Most of them had lost all time for the establishment and the authorities and the church and everything else. They were damaged men. Then they came back into a society that had been run by women for four years.

The obvious comparison is Boardwalk Empire, given the era…
I unfortunately haven’t got round to Boardwalk Empire – it’s one of my box-sets that I’ve yet to unwrap. I think it’s impossible to make a foray into the gangster genre without rubbing shoulders with the American classics, like The Godfather, Bonnie and Clyde and now Boardwalk Empire. You’ve just got to wear those references openly. What we’ve tried to do here is create something very British.

Birmingham at the time was the industrial capital of the world. It was producing more than Chicago and Detroit. Illegal bookmaking was huge all over Britain. It was run by gangs and there’d be pitched battles with guns and knives. It’s never really been investigated dramatically. Steve [Knight] had this whole block of history to play with, so it’s very rich. I think that separates it from the American stories. It’s refreshing that this is a story where working-class people look sexy and glamorous and stylish. Generally it’s the upper middle class and the aristocracy in British period dramas.

It seems like all the big Hollywood stars want to get involved in TV at the moment.
I definitely think that for writers, having the scope of six or 12 hours to tell a story must be so alluring. Also for me to be able to really investigate every corner, to shine a light into every nook and cranny of the psyche of a character is great. People have talked about it being the equivalent of the novel and I can see why that comparison fits. It is a golden age for TV. It’s clear it’s happening, so you’d be silly not to get involved. TV seems to be filling that place in cinema where clever mid-budget, independent films have been pushed out a little bit by the big franchise, tent-pole movies.

Big franchises like Batman?
Well, yeah… [laughs]. I would consider that a slightly more, um, intelligent rendering of the superhero genre.

How did you find the Brummie accent?
It’s not among the most beloved out there. The Birmingham accent and Birmingham itself hasn’t been fashionable for a while. In terms of the accent, we listened to a lot of archival tapes. My remit was to make it as authentic as possible but also as accessible as possible. Birmingham will deliver its verdict.

They can’t be too unhappy – you’ve made the place look a lot cooler than usual.
I really hope so.

The soundtrack on Peaky Blinders is really striking, featuring Nick Cave, The White Stripes and Tom Waits. As a big music fan, was that exciting?
I was thrilled. It was great to know that those guys actually watched it and liked it. There’s something about those artists – an outlaw quality – that really suits the show.

Been to any good gigs recently?
I’m going to see Björk in a couple of weeks. I saw Alice Cooper in the desert in Albuquerque. He has a lot of energy for a man of his age.

Is it harder to get to as many gigs as you’d want now you have kids?
Yeah, it is kind of hard. Some things you’ll move mountains to see but, you know, you get old and at a certain point you think, God, I’m awful tired. I didn’t used to have that in my twenties.

You’re a bit unusual in the celebrity world in that you don’t use Twitter.
No, I don’t do that. I remember the pre-internet days. I remember when you just met at an agreed hour at the bus station. And if someone didn’t show up, you’d just stand there and wait. You’d give them 25 minutes. This immediacy that we expect now, it’s spilled over into film and everything. I mean, ‘spoilers’ – surely the clue is in the word? To spoil something is to ruin it.

So do you Google yourself?
You know, you’re a liar if you say you haven’t. But I really, really try not to do it because it’s bad for you. Human beings, the way we’re wired – or maybe it’s just an Irish thing – but you never believe the good stuff. You just believe the bad stuff. It can be a negative forum, the internet. I try to stay away from it as much as possible.

You may be right. I actually ran into an entire blog someone had set up dedicated to unflattering screen shots of you.
Isn’t that lovely now? What a way to spend your time and express your creativity. That’s the world of the internet.

The IRA makes an appearance in Peaky Blinders – and you’ve dealt with similar themes before in The Wind that Shakes the Barley. It’s still emotive territory – the director of new film A Belfast Story had to apologise after the film’s PR company sent a bala-clava, nails and duct tape to journalists. Is there a responsibility to have a bit of sensitivity?
Of course there is. If you’re dealing with political or social issues, you have to be mindful of the people who have lived through it. The version of the IRA we’re dealing with is almost 100 years old and it’s very different. Similarly in The Wind that Shakes the Barley, so I think it’s fair game. But [The Troubles] are always going to be rich for drama. It’s all about how you tackle it. That’s obviously an example of not a very sensitive way to promote a film, but I thought Hunger was a great example of a film that was sort of about Northern Ireland but it was also an art film.

Last time we spoke, you were telling us about being a vegetarian and a good cook… have you been watching Great British Bake Off?
No. I haven’t got into it. I’m a MasterChef fella. And I’m actually a lapsed vegetarian.

When did this happen?
About a year ago. I felt I needed some meat. I had some venison. It was amazing. My body was like, yes! My wife’s still veggie but the boys eat meat. We’re a very tolerant household. I do sometimes have to cook two dinners, though.

Did you hear that Christian Bale was apparently offered $50m to reprise the role of Batman in Man of Steel 2? [Before the role went to Ben Affleck].
I wouldn’t believe what you read about that stuff.

It’s a testament to how much of a cultural touchstone that series is that people would believe it. Are you glad to have been part of it?
Ah, yeah, I was very lucky to have been involved in it. I didn’t expect to pop up in the second two either, so that was a nice little treat.

Is there a superhero you’d like to play?
Surely they’ve nearly exhausted them...

They didn’t ask you to be Doctor Who?
No. Did that change hands?

Peter Capaldi’s taking over.
Oh, brilliant. I love him. That’ll be amazing. We don’t watch it – Doctor Who has kind of passed us by in this house. But maybe we will when Peter Capaldi’s in it.

What is next for you?
I’m going to shoot this Ron Howard film in September, In the Heart of the Sea. It’s the true story of the sinking of the Essex by a whale. It’s the story that Melville based Moby Dick on. I read the book in my twenties. I loved it. I mean you have to work at it, there’s a lot of going back to the appendix, but it’s a cracking, cracking book. I read it on holiday before we had kids, so I had a lot of time to lie down. I don’t have that any more.

 4 ) 给两星的原因

具备爽剧的潜质 却拍出个便秘 槽点数不胜数 最后两集直接拉到及格线之下

具体说的话 比如john的婚配 前一秒john还像个纯情处男因为娶不到妓女而一脸愁苦 后一秒突然毫无征兆地被哥哥许配给lee家 竟然也就无伤大雅地小打小闹一番后一笑了之 还愉快地享受其婚后生活

又比如 被人吐槽无数的警长跟女主这段畸情 一开始当女儿 还没怎么铺垫 也没共同经历什么生死 突然之间他就...求婚了?!看了眼女主呢 她似乎一点也不觉得吃惊 好家伙 吃惊的部分全留给观众了是吧

接着是女主的复仇 前几集看她心事满满 似对IRA深仇大恨 遇到男主之后 我的天 老父亲完全不要了 直言这仇我不想复了 当初的那股愤怒已经被男主的含情脉脉打消了?WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK LADY 您仇家是IRA 跟男主有个毛关系 我怀疑你这是个假仇

最让我感到智商受辱的是kimber与shelby之间的“大战” 千钧一发之际 一年轻少妇out of blue抱着婴儿跳到战场中央 高喊peace and love 然后就没有然后了?!这 真的 是什么脑残剧本

其他诸如freddie突然拿枪指着tommy 大哥崇拜父亲的桥段 tommy远比警长naive的设定 男主猜不出女主是间谍 等等 都被指出太多次了 不赘述

总之 逻辑上不连贯 人物设定随心所欲导致完全没有代入感导致整体叙事的垮塌是两星的原因

 5 ) BGM整理from BBC homepage

Nick Cave
Nick Cave
Martha's Dream

Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds
Red Right Hand
The White Stripes
I Think I Smell a Rat
The White Stripes
St James Infirmary Blues
Nick Cave
Queenie's Suite
Nick Cave
Song for Jesse

The Samphire Band
Tough Call
The Raconteurs
Blue Veins

The White Stripes
The Hardest Button to Button
Nick Cave
Proposition #1
The White Stripes
Black Math
Giacomo Puccini
Vedi la Ma Guite Lo Stendo A Tel

Giacomo Puccini
Lo Tenni La Promesca

Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds
Brother My Cup is Empty
The White Stripes
Little Room
The White Stripes
When I hear my name
Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds
Abbatoir Blues

The White Stripes
I fought Piranhas
Tom Waits
Clap hands
The Raconteurs
Broken Boy Soldier
Nick Cave and Warren Ellis
Martha's dream

The White Stripes
Ball and Biscuit

The White Stripes
Little Cream Soda
Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds
God is in the House
Tom Waits

Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds
Bring it on

Dan Auerbach
The Prowl

Jack White
Love is Blindness

 6 ) 英伦来袭!拍这么帅真的把持不住...

各种美妙而优雅的慢镜头、大特写,肮脏的街道,一个个既绅士又混蛋的角色,还有时不时给人惊喜的配乐~(Nick Cave可是大有功劳啊~)扑面而来的正统英伦风范简直帅到极点,本人已被彻底洗脑...(本来就是墨菲脑残粉好不好...)



  • John你的节操呢
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这么多年第一次get到基里安到底帅在哪里+1 (看完第五集心满意足,手动再见)

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  • 托尼·蒙大拿
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  • 浅夜
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  • Ronnie
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Cillian Murphy三百六十度光影大片

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  • 饭团
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一開頭就是粵語 必須講句 是我看這麼多英美劇里最標準的發音了

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  • 勿谓言之不预吖
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恭喜基莲遇到了这么棒的角色,睿智、果敢、狠辣有时甚至专断但绝对重情义,抹不去的心理创伤,以及摄影师的杰克苏属性,用光、角度各种讲究,对着基莲各种特写特写特写,绝赞的BGM,这一切的一切赋予了Tommy Shelby这个角色致命的魅力。还是要吼一吼基莲好美好帅,衣服好好看,被苏成渣!第二季酷爱来

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  • 北落師門Hiruma
  • 较差

Cillian Murphy真的好帅啊!\(^o^)/~帽子,帽子,帽子真心给片儿加分啊!

  • 喜欢甜甜圈
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明明各方面都如此过硬的一部剧 为什么感情线如此的lame呢。。 偶像剧的threesome啊。。。//摄影师一定暗恋男主很久了吧!

  • 皮皮牙子
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当年Bowie给Cillian寄了那张戴帽子的照片说这是他cos的peaky blinder,Cillian回信把扮演Tommy的帽子寄给了Bowie🎩

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