采访穿插表演,都很精彩,节奏控制得也很好,记者问的几个问题蛮有水平的,James Murphy的回答也挺有印象,速记一下。
When you start a band, do you imagine how it will end?
I didn't start a band. I made a record, and then we had people were asking us to play. We wanted to play at dance clubs. We wanted to play to people who were having fun. 这边似乎有段说,他们觉得club的那些DJ放的歌很烂,想说自己动手吧…
When do you feel like you are making art and not just making something?
哈哈哈哈,这里James Murphy吐槽pretentious question,然后记者说因为我知道你是个pretentious person 我笑疯。完了他回答的时候又说自己 kind of a pretentious kid. I read so much shit just because I wanted to seem cool. But as I got older, I found these books were great, and they actually informed my world view...
Who are you attempting to seem cool for?
记者随后追问potential audience,我觉得超厉害的,感觉自己想不到这个点。I don't think you're conscious that you're trying to impress anybody. I only had the feeling that everyone here is an idiot. I gotta get out of here where it's real.
So you were that person? You hated where you were at?
I hated where I was. I wanted to just bomb it. 后面大概说如果自己在伦敦或者纽约的话,就可以随时看演出,可以受到文化熏陶之类的。(我也,谁不想生活在宇宙中心呢!)
So how much is your motive for quitting the band...solely a product of, you feel too old to be doing it, and it feels weird?
常规问题,为什么要quit,只是因为感觉自己老了?但是这个回答我觉得挺有道理的,说自己在巡演的时候只是在重复,没有真正的生活体验也没有成长。大概能体会吧。 I don't have any kids, and I want to have kids and I want to have a life. I feel that's a genuine thing.I'm getting gray hairs on my face. But what the fuck's going on inside?
Do you like talking about yourself? Is it fun to have someone ask you these questions... and basically say, "Consider your life and put your life in a context that other people will understand"?
这个问题和回答我都很喜欢!We always joke, "I gotta go talk about myself for a half an hour." But I think that underlying loneliness,or that underlying desire to be understood, is pretty real.
I've always had this belief that people or bands...they're sort of remembered for their collection of successes, but they're sort of defined by whatever is their singular failure.
这边他解释这个问题的时候用了 Michael Jordan 的例子,说他因为出色的篮球运动员身份出名,但他个人生活的失败在于 his inability to distance himself from competition,这也导致了他无法再退役后享受属于自己的生活,然后类比到LCD Soundsystem,他怎么定义自己的成功和失败的。
我本来觉得怎么看待collection of success 和personal life 这个问题还蛮好的,Michael Jordan的例子也举得很好,但这边的采访有点混乱,有个 inability to stop being self-conscious印象挺深的,但这不是记者回答的吗,帮他说了,感觉这里他有预设答案了,所以问题也没太问好,最后Murphy还是回到了想要 normal life 那里。
btw, 2015 还是回归了! pretentious liar!
原来标题是你们win欧巴喊的。人群中看到了donald glover就去看了眼imdb发现还有lance bangs……真想像穿north american scum的前排小哥一样再carried away一次(还好很快就还有次机会)。看着结尾处依依不舍的熊猫们,又看了遍drunk girls的mv。果然是年纪大了才能理解中年迪斯科。
没想到可以在电影院看到这个电影 虽然有点过于煽情 但剪辑和摄影真不错 拍现场要学习 @ mk2 quai de seine
James Murphy is a pretentious liar!!!!!!
we are your friends tonight!!
I really like … i like make coffee 从这里开始彻底无法自拔
从为什么要起床,到为什么要引退。self-conscious 也许是很多人的“singular failure”.
1. 擦16岁就装逼去读托马斯品钦的好骚年是如何成为挺着肥肚腩的失意中年大叔的= = 2. Arcade FIre是专门请来和声的么OTZ 3. 散场曲真是无悬念啊><
我有一点开始理解All My Friends的含义了。【8.7/10】
I'm In Love. JM世界上最可爱的人。Extras里面Keith Wood的fuck视频太好玩了。
最后New York I Love But You're Bringing Me Down前奏真的不是TP Theme吗..
It's the fear of failure holding you back