

主演:琼·克劳馥  杰克·卡森  扎查瑞·斯考特  



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更新时间:2023-09-16 18:25


  米尔德里德(琼·克劳馥 Joan Crawford 饰)的丈夫蒙特(扎查瑞·斯考特 Zachary Scott 饰)抛弃了妻子,也抛弃了他们的两个女儿。米尔德里德对大女儿维达(安·布莱思 Ann Blyth 饰)尤为溺爱,心中充满了愧疚,宁愿去做卑微的餐厅服务员也要让女儿吃好的穿好的过上等人的生活。在母亲的纵容之下,维达渐渐变成了一个眼中只有荣华富贵的女人。
  在威利(杰克·卡森 Jack Carson 饰)和艾伯特(布鲁斯·本内特 Bruce Bennett 饰)的帮助下,米尔德里德终于拥有了属于自己的餐厅,一家人终于脱离了苦海,而米尔德里德在艾伯特的身上亦再度找到了爱的感觉。然而,随着时间的推移,米尔德里德发现维达似乎亦在有意无意的勾引着艾伯特,母女之间的感情出现了裂痕。


 1 ) The Irreversible Role of a Mother

Certainly very dramatic, but it is also extremely entertaining. I cannot help but imagine what the men who just came back from the War would have felt about Mildred's character in the film. The portrayal of Mildred is also entertaining, much like the woman who were thrusted into work in the 40's, Joan Crawford's character is also thrown into the world of business. The theme of gender reversal in the movie is apparent, so is the symbolic representation of each character, all of which are well represented. Veda is perhaps the most snobbish character anyone can ever find. Despite all the social issues Mildred Pierce tries to address, it is all embodied within a well constructed and enthralling story.

 2 ) [Last Film I Watched] Mildred Pierce (1945)

Title: Mildred Pierce
Year: 1945
Country: USA
Language: English
Genre: Crime, Drama, Film-Noir
Director: Michael Curtiz
Writer: Ranald MacDougall
based on the novel of James M. Cain
Music: Max Steiner
Cinematography: Ernest Haller
Joan Crawford
Jack Carson
Zachary Scott
Ann Blyth
Bruce Bennett
Eve Arden
Butterfly McQueen
Moroni Olsen
Jo Ann Marlowe
Lee Patrick
Veda Ann Borg
Rating: 6.9/10

Joan Crawford’s Oscar-crowning star vehicle, directed by Michael Curtiz, the Oscar-winner from CASABLANCA (1942), based on a novel from James M. Cain and centers on the checkered life of our titular heroine, a twice-married woman, a mother of two, an entrepreneur starts her restaurant business ex nihilo.

Ostensibly begins with a murder in the witching hour, the last word of the victim Monte Beragon (Scott), whom we later would know is Mildred’s second husband, is an exclamatory “Mildred!”, together with Mildred’s suicidal impulse and sequentially tries to frame Wally Fay (Carson), an old friend (who persistently makes romantic advances to her, twice a week), as the killer, handily inscribes Mildred’s name on the offender’s seat in viewer’s mind, then during the police interrogation, the narrative’s main constituents are big chunks of flashback told entirely and chronically through Mildred’s angle, not unlike Billy Wilder’s DOUBLE INDEMNITY (1944), Cain’s hard-boiled femme-fatale tall-tale.

Technically speaking, leaving out the murder scene (under the shades of striking chiaroscuro and atmospheric suspense), this film has barely any chromosome of film-noir in its vein and Mildred, is anything but a femme-fatale, what’s on offering is, firstly, a spirited story of a modern woman’s liberation from her domestic stereotype, following by a harrowing melodrama. Mildred is a tough gal, when she first husband Bert Pierce (Bennett) has an affair and loses his job, she has no hesitation to pull the plug of their marriage and takes it on herself to raising their two daughters Veda (Blyth) and Kay (Marlowe), starting from a menial job as a waitress. But, Mildred has her Achille’s heel, it is Veda, who is coddled by her unconditionally, which also causes the rift of her first marriage (and second as well), a rather discontent flavour in hindsight, is that we don’t get the motivation behind her indulgence of Veda from the word go other than her own characteristic foibles (which is further facilitated by mawkishly taking Kay out of the entire picture, pneumonia fails to take the bad seed), which insinuates that Mildred is awfully bad at being a mother, now one can see the picture: a woman can actively seek divorce, independence and become the bread-maker for her children, she also can have a successful career (however convenient the process seems according to the film), but she cannot have everything, she must has her clay of feet, and that falls upon to another woman, her young, angel-faced teenage daughter portrayed as a petulant, callous, stuck-up ingrate, whose utter resentment towards her mother also leaves no elucidation, thus, the only rationale is she is pure evil. That’s why it is very difficult to overlook its misogynous undertow in today’s view, a curse Mildred eventually breaks at the end but the sadistic approach is artistically unsavory, a sideline depiction of Eve Arden’s sharp-tongued Ida, a woman man intends to ignore because of her lack in sex appeal also comes off as a flea in the ear.

Of course, men aren’t better in every aspect in Cain’s cynical conception, wily and lecherous as Wally, decadent and obnoxious as Monte, prim and inadequate as Burt, on different scales, they are scourges of Mildred’s fix too, but some gets the comeuppance, some just doesn’t. Ms. Crawford gives a genuinely pulsating performance notwithstanding, even errs on the side of operatics, but the fine-line between good and great for an actress of her status is that, in the end of the day, she cannot afford to completely de-glamorize herself for the sake of her character, Mildred doesn’t need to be sexed up or gussied up, she is overall, a more head-headed type, but Ms. Crawford needs that, at the age of 39, she needs to reinforce her glamour not just by her acting bent, but her usual objectified sexual allure as well, which according to my lights, her own vanity and insecurity curtails the virtuosity of a well-rendered characterisation.

Blyth and Arden are both Oscar-nominated, the former banks on a meaty role reek of insidious perverseness and the latter is a rapier-like wise-cracker, only Mildred never listens to her. Zachary Scott, on the other hand, combines a scintillating veneer of alluring urbanity, rank snobbery and depravity, one cannot really begrudge why those two women of disparate nature would both fall upon his sophisticated spells (however momentary they are), but that’s the crux of MILDRED PIERCE, it appears more convincing in eliciting the unabashed rottenness from menfolk, but less so in its petticoat discord, which actually is the nexus of the entire tear-jerking enterprise, however scrumptious it may pander to ours eyes.

parallel comparisons: SUDDEN FEAR (1952) 7.1/10; CASABLANCA (1942) 8.9/10; DOUBLE INDEMNITY (1944) 8.2/10

 3 ) 随特写而来的枪响

镜子碎了 而后来,镜子中有火在燃烧。 见到你,让我听得见,周围有翅膀拍打的声音。 前面节奏很慢,中段突然加速,死了女儿立马参观生意兴隆,只一个镜头,大悲速度接大喜,如果是考里斯马基,大概死了女儿依旧无人来吃饭。 切回现实的镜头很特别,是直接向画左快速推进。 1小时16分,米尔德拉下百叶窗的那个叠画也挺秀的。 报纸的特写,后拉,墙上的影子将报纸撕裂,镜头叠画至一个巨大的花坛,上摇,穿过地毯,门口的女仆正热情地为人开门 如果空间之外需要听到枪声,记得给空间内的人物切特写。(那么是不是可以反着做,有没有更好的做法。) 给警察打电话的那段,维达一直恳求,米尔德的表情逐渐呆滞并流出泪水,短短几十秒,用演技塑造了合理转变。 最后是一个从台阶上走下,走入大门框的镜头,柯蒂兹已经尽力了,五星拍法,奈何本子原本就算不得出彩。

 4 ) 这个电影名字起得有点色,其实是很严肃的家庭生活伦理片


 5 ) 站在母亲的立场,我给影片打了5分

我这个脸盲在第一眼就认出女主是 “兰闺惊变”中坐轮椅的妹妹,实在是 Joan Crawford(琼•克劳馥)的气质太独特。初看有点担心电影的落伍老套,我现在对爱情片情杀片的“畏惧”有点像三十多年前看《故事会》的感觉,又怕看到雷同的故事情节,可是放弃不看又有些舍不得。然而一开始的枪杀案以及Joan Crawford挺着大垫肩在河边忧愁地彷徨的脚步还是带我一路看到了结尾。并且,这部片子,我打了5分,因为我也是个母亲,一个被伤透心的母亲。


 6 ) 乱纹中依稀的自画像——记琼克劳馥《欲海情魔》




  • 托尼·王大拿
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围观影后琼大眉的Melodrama,却被编剧James Cain强大的女性视角吸粉。扒了一下Cain发现实在是了不得,44-46三年内Double Indemnity,Mildred Pierce和The Postman Always Rings Twice三部作品硬是在男性主导的film noir里开辟了女性主导的roman noir,这种genre其实也突破了femme fatale的类型束缚

  • 鴍諌🌈
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  • 扬花点点
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琼克劳馥没话说 ann blyth太美了 她家那个尖嗓子的小黑女孩是不是乱世佳人里斯嘉丽家帮melanie接生那个啊

  • 李香菜
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  • 巅峰Futurama迷
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  • stknight
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  • 眠去
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  • 鬼腳七
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终于看了这部原片,和翻拍剧有大把的时间刻画情感不同,影片更偏黑色一些。自己亲手养大的白眼狼,被一次次伤害背叛、再心深伤透最后也依然想要以身抵罪,可怜之人必有可恨之处。电影里的Mildred Pierce可要比电视剧里的Mildred Pierce结局好多了。三星半

  • touya
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  • 陈裸
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  • 木卫二
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  • g9421
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not perfect, but surely impressive.用浪wipe字幕。运动镜头移动到镜子。(后面有呼应)大量溶接 (montage seq.)升降机以高机位开场,而后降低。不同角度景别拍摄同一或相邻动作M与警察一系列过肩正反打。Wally看到M,接着又是一系列过肩正反打。进酒馆,影机track away to show the whole bar. 然后从酒杯的特写开始,又过渡到两人的正反打。溶镜过渡,screen direction错误。跟拍。low-key sce

  • paracelsus
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  • 泰坦
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  • 基顿不抹口红
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  • 优杉
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mildred不懂因材施教 一厢情愿地花大价钱让女儿们学这学那 使她们成为她的附属品 而mildred一举一动 从小到大从事业到男人 全为迎合女儿们的心意让他们过得更“好” 也使她沦为孩子的附属品 一个女人身份让位于母亲身份、没有独立精神空间的伪女权的代表 一个新女性思潮与传统观念杂交而成的畸形产物

  • c. velasquez
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