The 'Classic Albums' series document the making of seminal pop albums (Paul Simon's 'Graceland', Bob Marley's 'Catch a Fire', Fleetwood Mac's 'Rumours', to name but a few of the previous releases) through interviews with participants and associates and the playing of master tapes (more on that later). This new 52' feature documents the making of John Lennon's first 'proper' (i.e. accessible to the public at large) studio album, 'John Lennon/Plastic Ono Band', recorded in the fall of 1970 and released in December of that year.
这是关于John 的还是Yoko的或是John 和Yoko关系的“white album ”?
突然get到了yoko的颜。大家说话有点过于客气了,甚至有刻意捧高的嫌疑。真实 简单 私人化 自我革命式,这几个用词可以说是比较准确的