The nightmarish tale of two siblings cruelly separated as kids. The youngest, Elena, is confined to the world of darkness, where she leads a miserable life. While the eldest, Facundo, remains in paradise, where he lives a peaceful life as a doctor with his wife and two daughters. 25 years later, the two are reunited to face the family tragedy that separated them.
奇幻,无具体世界观,讲的是一个女巫利用龙血控制人类。英文名是kill the dragon搜索不到的,字幕的没有,看的西班牙生肉。所以我胡编的……
没有耐心去读hansel and gretel了,此类片最近刷得多看之前就会有主观想法,奇幻在较为刻意的对比度下掉色过渡向现实问题让我觉得也掉了味(更可能从头到尾没找着)