




爱心小天使2009 剧照 NO.1爱心小天使2009 剧照 NO.2爱心小天使2009 剧照 NO.3爱心小天使2009 剧照 NO.4爱心小天使2009 剧照 NO.5爱心小天使2009 剧照 NO.6爱心小天使2009 剧照 NO.13爱心小天使2009 剧照 NO.14
更新时间:2023-12-08 05:06



 1 ) 【Repost】Vera Drake

Film Review by Frederic and Mary Ann Brussat

For many years now, English filmmaker Mike Leigh has explored the lives of the working poor with unflinching honesty and an uncanny ability to respect his characters' idiosyncrasies and the feisty ways they struggle to survive against the odds. In this incredibly moving film, he hits high stride in his career and delivers a masterwork that is all of one piece. The ensemble performances are remarkable for their realism; production design accurately conveys the dark alleys and shabby apartments of poor neighborhoods; and the string score by Andrew Dickinson is tender and evocative.

The film is set in London in the early 1950s. Vera Drake (Imelda Staunton) lives with Stan (Phil Davis), her husband of 27 years. She is a domestic who cleans the houses of well-to-do ladies; he works as a mechanic in a shop run by his brother Frank (Adrian Scarborough). They have two grown children, both still living with them in their small tenement flat: Sid (Daniel Mays), a gregarious apprentice tailor, and Ethel (Alex Kelly), a shy factory worker.

Vera, as her husband puts it, has a heart of gold. Although she has plenty of household chores on top of her job, she finds time to regularly visit two shut-ins, one of whom is her cranky mother. Vera, who hums methodically, is a cheerful person who believes that a special grace in life is to savor a good cup of tea, no matter what the occasion. Noticing that Reg (Eddie Marsan), is a lonely fellow, she invites him over for dinner. Everyone in the family is pleased when he takes an interest in Ethel.

Another aspect of her care and compassion for others is her secret mission to help poor pregnant women who are not willing or able to give birth to a child. She works closely with Lily (Ruth Sheen), a friend since childhood, who sells household goods on the black market and finds women seeking abortions. These poor girls, married women with too many children and wives who have gotten in trouble, have no choices other than to throw themselves on the mercy of Vera, who does not charge them anything for her loving ministrations. Their lack of options is contrasted with the situation of Susan (Sally Hawkins), the daughter of one of the rich women Vera works for. After she is raped on a date and becomes pregnant, she sees a private doctor and a psychiatrist who arrange for a calm and safe abortion at a discreet clinic for a substantial fee.

Vera's secret missions of mercy come to an end when a young woman she treated develops life-threatening complications. The police find out about Vera and Lily and are swift to apprehend them (abortion wasn't legalized in England until 1967). Much to Vera's dismay, this all takes place on the same day that they are celebrating the announced wedding of Reg and Ethel. Frank and his materialistic wife Joyce (Heather Craney) are at the party with them. Their good news that Joyce is pregnant gets lost in the confusion when the police arrive and question Vera. Anger and shock are two of the emotions experienced by Stan, Sid, and Ethel when they learn the secret Vera has kept from them for nearly 20 years.

When was the last time you saw a movie that focused on the compassion and genuine goodness of a person who doesn't live for herself but always puts others first? Look no further. Mike Leigh has created an emotionally resonant drama around the little acts of kindness that all the world's religions agree is at the center of what it means to be a fully developed human being. Vera accepts the punishment that is meted out to her, but then many good and self-sacrificing individuals have suffered for what they believe in without complaint. Vera Drake is one of the best films of 2004, and Mike Leigh is to be commended for making a hero out of a kindly woman who does her best to help the less fortunate around her.

 2 ) 人的精神魅力是怎么来的

【题外话】 有的人资质本不差,受过不错的教育,有明辨是非的能力,志向远大,鉴赏力优于常人,经常思考人生,但是总把生活过得一团糟,当他们到了可以回忆人生的时候,往往感叹“我怎么就把生活过成了这个样子呢?我明明可以过不一样的人生,或许是我运气不好,或许是我生错了年代。” 维拉身处的时代很糟糕,经济萧条,物资匮乏,就连天气都经常很阴沉。她是社会底层的一个平凡的老太婆,估计也没受过啥教育,工作就是给人打扫清洁卫生。她特别勤快,身材矮小矫健,一天到晚忙忙碌碌,除了工作外就是缝缝补补,影片的前半段,她就是在不停的忙活这个忙活那个。这到也没什么,这种勤劳的妇女,我们随处可见,我们的姥姥、老妈、隔壁的阿姨,都是这种典型。维拉不仅勤劳,心肠也是极好的,周围的人由于各种原因,过得都很艰辛,她习惯性的照顾着他们,像个火把似的走到哪里照亮哪里。这个也没什么,这种善良,我们见得也不少。 维拉最让人喜欢的是勤劳善良之上的生活态度。 她那个矮小的身体里仿佛有无穷的力量,干活干得又快又好,从来不抱怨,总是生机勃勃,小眼睛里总是闪耀着光芒,在那种世道,都能把家庭经营得温馨美好。我见过很多中年妇人,边忙碌边抱怨,明明是勤劳善良的人,但总是一副苦大仇深的样子,或许叫人敬佩,但不愿亲近。她们像老黄牛一样,压抑又悲情,别说我们的中小学课本里经常出现劳苦式受难式的母亲形象,那个在生活中太常见了,而我们的文化往往倾向于欢迎歌颂拔高这种将苦难当崇高的悲壮形象,仿佛不如此,便不能显现母性的伟大。其实谁都知道,我们需要的不是苦难,而是苦难之中积极向上的健康力量。身在泥淖当中却能开出花,散发香气,触及旁人,这才是精神力量的伟大之处。 当一个人身处底层,每天湮没在无穷无尽的繁琐之事当中,还能尽力去帮助别人的时候,这人是完全配得上伟大二字的。 看过好多伊梅尔达斯汤顿的片子,她最擅长出演那种穷乡僻壤没见过世面又特别八卦的小老太太了。

 3 ) 小妇人大无畏

Vera Drake的笑容是简单的.



我想起泰戈尔说的一个故事. 一个将军在战中杀害了一个无辜的人, 他找到死者唯一的孩子, 把他养育成人. 孩子长大后, 将军说出真相, 对小孩说,现在你可以亲手为你的父亲报仇了.

在这些奇怪的故事里, 伦理颠覆了, 仁义也扭曲了. 将军是自私的, 为了洗去自己的内疚, 不惜假手于一个孩子, 一个无辜被摆上了忠孝道义的神台,日后得用自己的一生来自圆其说的孩子. 而Vera, 竟敢用一颗简单的心一些简陋的工具试着弥补社会阴暗角落里的疮疮孔孔. 用背叛了她还厚颜无耻的朋友的思维来解释的话:她以为她在行善在救赎,我们有这个能力吗. 冷酷不合理的法纪和那些已经习惯了出卖良心和无辜来抵御黑暗的人都会嘲笑她, 因为Vera的世界是他们已经摈弃并变得陌生不可理喻的世界.

 4 ) The problem of having unwanted babies

The morality behind this movie is related to the problem of having unwanted babies. In fact, the United States has the highest rates of births to teenage mothers of all industrial nations, and the United Kingdom ranks the 2nd.

As far as I observe, some of the same people who complain about women delaying childbearing while they wallow in unbridled sexual consumerism, are also among the loudest critics of abortion. Some these concern stems from a disguised critique of feminism, which enables women to explore a healthy and safer sexuality. Efforts to stop unwanted motherhood have included, for example, increasing restrictions on access to birth control and even birth control information and restrictions on abortion, including parental consent and waiting periods.

Take, the statistics on rates of teenage motherhood for example. In the mid-1950s, 27 percent of all girls had sexual intercourse by age eighteen; in 1988, 56 percent of girls and 73 percent of boys had sexual intercourse by age eighteen. In 1991, the rate of adolescent childbearing-births to teen mothers per 1,000 girls — was 62.1, the highest rate since 1971, which was the year before abortion was legalized. This accounts for 9 percent of all births in the nation. Sixty-six percent of these young women were unmarried, compared with 1960, when only 15 percent were unmarried.

Such numbers can be "read" in several ways. For some, such numbers illustrate a calamitous increase in teen motherhood, attributable to wanton teenage sexuality and rampant immorality, an erosion of respect for the institution of marriage, and the growing crisis of fatherlessness. But for others, such numbers illustrate the erosion of access to adequate birth control information, the steady attacks on women's right to choose that restrict women's access to abortion and other means of birth control, and the increased freedom of young people from their parents' insistence on "shotgun weddings."

On these questions, the research is unanimous: Restricting access to information about birth control, access to birth control, and access to abortion has no bearing on rates of sexual activity. In fact, virtually all studies of the effect of sex education indicate a decrease in rates of sexual activity, greater sexual selectivity, and higher rates of safer sex practices. Young people will continue to become sexually active in their mid teens, whether or not they have access to birth control or information about it. In fact, restricting access is the surest way to encourage unwanted pregnancy. No wonder the highest rates of teen pregnancy occurred before abortion was legal.

The problem of “having unwanted babies” is also a way to blame women for men's irresponsibility. Politically, we are saying to young women that if they are going to dance (become sexually active), they will have to pay the piper (bear the consequences of unwanted pregnancies). But if, as we also know, it takes two to tango, perhaps the solution to the crisis of young motherhood lies in both increasing the abilities of these young women to become responsible (adequate health care, birth control information, and access to birth control) and in fostering a more responsible young manhood. In fact, casting the crisis as "having unwanted babies" masks another serious problem — girls' sexual victimization by men whose predatory sexual behavior goes unnoticed when the problem is cast in this way.

According to the U.S. Department of Justice, over half (54 percent) the women raped in 2000 (a typical year) were juveniles under eighteen years old, and 21.6 percent were younger than twelve. Another study found that 96 percent of those female rape victims under twelve knew their attackers. In one of five cases, their rapist was also their father. Although there is some evidence that suggests that females under eighteen are also the most likely to file false reports of rape with the police (though virtually none of these allegations ever went to trial, and all the reports were retracted in the interview stage), these false reports seem to be the result of fears of pregnancy and the hope that declaring they were raped would permit the females to get an abortion, because in many states, abortion is legal only in cases of rape or a threat to the mother's health.

With those argument mentioned above, I prefer the translation "地下观音". And it could probably explain why people like Vera Drake was guilty but insisting never do things wrong.

 5 ) 历史小叙事中的小人物






 6 ) Vera Drake

Vera扮演者在《Another year》开头出现了几个镜头,看到弹幕有人提到,于是知道了这部电影。同样编剧、导演都为Mike Leigh,他真是一位有才华的导演,总能发现新的素材并将编写为一个完整的精巧的故事。

 7 ) 「Quotes」

「What is it that you do, Mrs. Drake? → I help young girls out.」

「You perform abortions, don't you? → That's not what I do dear. That's what you call it. But they need help. Who else they got to turn to? No one. I help them out.」

「Whatever she done, she's done it out the kindness of her heart.」

「It don't seem fair. Look at my mom: six of us in two rooms. It's all right if you're rich, but if you can't feed them, you can't love them, can you?」



  • Clyde
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  • 狄飞惊
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  • 甘草披萨
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  • 大象姐姐KK
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1. 1950 年啊,还没有避孕套,女人只要怀了孩子就要生出来,如果不堕掉,那么养个7-8个孩子,也都是女人的事儿吧!2. 想象这100年来,人类还真是发生了翻天覆地的变化,有时候也会倒退,所以,眼光应该放远些,大概就能够活过一些苦难。3.Vera天性善良,有非常稳定、朴素、阳光的内在,就是助人。

  • Sabrina
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  • 黄小米
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  • 木卫二
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Imelda Staunton再次让我刮目相看。

  • 小艺
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  • 冰红深蓝
  • 力荐

典型英国电影~ 质朴+人物+生活……演技派 …… 对哦 粉红教授 怪说不得这么眼熟~!!!!

  • YoyoRan🤍
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AnotherYear+TheReader, shot self-contained, to the point, de-dramalizing, so the narrative and acting. Reality is never too cruel or fair.

  • V_Lachesis
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3.5 Mike Leigh的女人韵事,Imelda Staunton极好,充满意味的群戏,但整个片子好像多了太多枝节。

  • vivi
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  • 赫安
  • 很差

17/4/2006 6:00pm Cultural Centre

  • 何倩彤
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经典之作。不知道那年戛纳为什么拒掉这部片,那年戛纳金棕榈是《华氏9/11》。Mike Leigh独特的电影制作方法学,帮他成功再现1950年代英国社会底层穷苦人家的人情冷暖,再在水面上投下一颗石子,引发此起彼伏的涟漪。Dick Pope的摄影也帮助营造了古早的质感。可惜Sally Hawkins那条线多少有点半途夭折的感觉。

  • 小A
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  • bay135
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这是看过的Mike Leigh最有剧情,最戏剧化的一部电影,与其他几部master-piece作品相比风格差异还是较大,时间设定和影片主题都有了很大的变化。然而作品依旧将目光对准中下层人民,以德行待人未必能得到肯定:良心的拷问和法令的冷漠,摧残的不只是一个Vera Drake。

  • LORENZO 洛伦佐
  • 力荐

结合当下热点事件,真的应该让去那几个红州的法律制定者好好看看。”Ban of abortion will only ban safe abortion”, 无论是何种结果受苦受难的都是女性,而她们是社会哪怕在最残缺脆弱的战后重建时期最坚忍最无私互助的人呀。真的是视角决定一切,迈克李的电影或许很多被归为“厨房水槽Drama”,充满着琐碎的人物和生活的细节,但是他发自内心的对人对女性的关怀再朴素的制作和镜头语言都掩盖不了,是真正的大师。好久没在电影院看胶片了,今天看得鼻酸酸

  • 米粒
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  • hilly
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▤「What is it that you do, Mrs. Drake? → I help young girls out.」「You perform abortions, don't you? → That's not what I do dear. That's what you call it. But they need help. Who else they got to turn to? No one. I help them out.」

  • Q·ian·Sivan
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