费丽丝蒂 第一季


主演:凯丽·拉塞尔斯考特·佛雷斯科特·斯比德曼格雷戈·格伦伯格Tangi Miller

导演:Lawrence Trilling哈瑞·温勒


费丽丝蒂 第一季 剧照 NO.1 费丽丝蒂 第一季 剧照 NO.2 费丽丝蒂 第一季 剧照 NO.3 费丽丝蒂 第一季 剧照 NO.4 费丽丝蒂 第一季 剧照 NO.5 费丽丝蒂 第一季 剧照 NO.6 费丽丝蒂 第一季 剧照 NO.13 费丽丝蒂 第一季 剧照 NO.14 费丽丝蒂 第一季 剧照 NO.15 费丽丝蒂 第一季 剧照 NO.16 费丽丝蒂 第一季 剧照 NO.17 费丽丝蒂 第一季 剧照 NO.18 费丽丝蒂 第一季 剧照 NO.19 费丽丝蒂 第一季 剧照 NO.20
更新时间:2023-09-16 10:26


  Felicity Porter为了追寻高中时暗恋的男友Ben,放弃了去斯坦福医学院的机会,来到3000公里以外的纽约只为了和Ben在一起。可是Ben连Felicity的名字都不一定记得起。面对离开父母后独立的新生活,真实的展现了大学生活,及Felicity和她的新朋友们步入成年后面对人生的种种重大选择。


1 ) 每一个都要学会感谢自己的父母


2 ) Ben & Felicity



"Dear Felicity, Here it goes, I've watched you for four years, always wondered what you were like, what was going on in your mind when you were so quiet, just thinking, drawing in your notebook. I should have just asked you, but I never asked you. So now, four years later, I don't even know you, but I admire you. Well, this makes me sound crazy, but I'm OK with that. So take care of yourself. Love Ben.

PS, I would have said keep in touch, but unfortunately, we never were in touch."

3 ) 我选活在当下



一季一学年 四季就是大学四年。


进大学前会想很多大学里打算做、可能做的事情。现在自己也大三了,不得不说我的大学对我来说更像是住宿制的补课机构。在这个全世界离我家最近的大学里, 难过过、抑郁过、孤单过。迷茫的时间多于开心的时间。没有谈恋爱、没有奖学金、没有高绩点、没有好朋友。就像剧中某一集里说的一样 「我和很多人一样,被困在一个叫大学的地方。」当时的那些打算全都没有实现,不过也做了许多计划外的事。



我的答案是 「由头来过和活在当下都难 但我会选好好活在当下。」

4 ) 2018.9.12

很喜欢felicity的温和与坚定,虽然有时候有点自私,还傻的冒泡。 ben笑起来真的犯规啊,虽然很渣但真的很好看啊。 整个片子真的看的特别舒服,娓娓道来的感觉,清清冷冷,又很温暖。 "Dear Felicity, Here it goes, I've watched you for four years, always wondered what you were like, what was going on in your mind when you were so quiet, just thinking, drawing in your notebook. I should have just asked you, but I never asked you. So now, four years later, I don't even know you, but I admire you. Well, this makes me sound crazy, but I'm OK with that. So take care of yourself. Love Ben. PS, I would have said keep in touch, but unfortunately, we never were in touch."

5 ) 【转】A Highly Scientific Analysis of Ben vs. Noel



Team Ben VS Team Noel


Last week, Jenny reviewed a book about a girl who follows a guy to New York City, and most of us immediately thought, "OMG FELICITY!" Which then led me to the shocking realization that there are absolutely zero posts about Felicity on this blog, and that is an effing tragedy, you guys. Hello, it's one of the best YA TV shows ever, not to mention the fact that years later, I still feel like the characters are my real friends. And if you think that's sad, then I probably shouldn't tell you about how I have to go into every Dean & Deluca when I'm in NYC just to see if Javier is working that day. Y'all, I have SUCH a crunch on him.

Speaking of crunches, I had a tough time deciding which facet of the show I wanted to write about today. I could analyze how insanely pretty Keri Russell is (SO PRETTY), or I could talk about the amazing evolution of Meghan as a character. Or perhaps I could tackle the bullshizz of Elena always getting the crappy storylines (I mean, sex with Professor Humperdinck? COME ON). But throughout all of the conversations that have ever occurred about Felicity, there's one question that always arises.

And that question, my friends, is this: Are you Team Ben or Team Noel?

That's right, before there was Edward vs Jacob, or Peeta vs Gale, there was Ben vs Noel. And it was a debate that raged fiercely through four years of Felicity's mothercussing indecision.

Today, I'd like to settle that debate once and for all. And yes, I do realize the immensity of my task, which is why I'm employing our usual highly scientific methods of analysis. I'll be comparing Noel and Ben and awarding them points (out of 10) in several pivotal categories, and their total score will provide the definitive answer to this debate.

So grab your lab coats and LET'S DO SOME SCIENCE.

Noel: 7

Noel exemplifies the finer virtues of sensitivity, and like our other fave sweetheart, Peeta, he even goes through a crazycakes period just so he can become more manly and badass. Deep down, though, he'll always be the nice guy, and while I find that adorable, it's the main reason why Noel will always be stuck in the Friend Zone. He's goofy and compassionate, but neither of those words spell SEXY.

Ben: 8

Ben can be a little aloof, and his impulsive behavior is frustrating as hell. But when you realize that he's overcoming some major family drama (more on that later), his grumpy demeanor becomes insanely charming. Speaking of charm, all the boy has to do is crinkle his eyes and smile, and I swear, a rainbow will shoot out of your chest and end in a pot of swoon. He's also surprisingly thoughtful and caring, and his loyalty knows no bounds. (I mean, have you MET Sean?)


Noel: 7

Just look at those puppy dog eyes! That excellent bone structure! Noel is definitely a handsome dude, and if that's how all of the "nerdy" RAs at NYU look, I totally went to the wrong college.

Ben: 10

The first time I saw Ben on screen, I was like, "Oh yeah, Felicity should DEFINITELY move to New York." And that was before I even knew what he wrote in her yearbook! The boy is FOINE, from his adorable grin to his totes toned swimmer's body. I still can't forgive the University of New York for canceling their swimming program, thereby robbing of us of more scenes featuring Ben in a Speedo. Damn you, fictional college!


Noel: 2

As far as I can remember (and I've seen this series many, many times in its entirety, because I believe in extensive research), the only tragic thing in Noel's past is his misfortune in dating a girl named Hannah who likes to pout her lips and play fugues. Of course, in real life, that turned into an even greater tragedy (Jennifer Garner, how could you?), but let's try to keep fiction and reality separated, ok people? We have an important debate to settle about our two potential boyfriends here!

Ben: 7

Ben's dad (RIP John Ritter) is an alcoholic, and Ben grew up supporting his mother and fighting against the possibility of turning into his father. It's the reason he doesn't always know how to handle his emotions, which not only makes us sympathize with him, it also gives me a great excuse to still be in love with him even when he's an asshole.

Noel: 8

Aside from the time he drank beet juice and went batshizz insane at the library, Noel treats Felicity with respect and adoration, the latter of which can be a little much at times but still, he's super considerate towards her. He clearly wants the best for her, and he's insanely supportive of her dreams, whether it's helping her study to be a doctor or collaborating with her on Loser Pet Store. Sure, he drops her for Hannah, but that's a typical freshman mistake*, and even after Felicity leaves him hanging at the airport and chooses Ben, Noel eventually forgives her and takes her back as a bestie. Definitely a good guy.

*After publishing this analysis, I was corrected by fellow scholar Kate. Noel was a sophomore when he dumped Felicity, and therefore, he can't use freshman ignorance as an excuse. Consequently, he loses one point.

Ben: 4

We have now reached the Ben Handicap. Dude is TERRIBLE at being a boyfriend, or even a friend to Felicity. He's flaky and scared of his feelings, and he has major commitment issues. He'd sooner have an affair with a scary married catering lady (major cougs) or run off to the Hamptons with a spoiled rich girl (HATECHOO AVERY) than stay in a relationship with Felicity for more than a few months. The only reason he doesn't have a zero in this category is because, well, what goes around comes around. I mean, if some girl stalked you all the way to New York and then, like, looked at yr confidential college file and then re-wrote yr paper for a class and almost got you expelled, you'd be rushing to give her a restraining order, not a hug. Just sayin'.


Noel: 4

It's almost unfair to judge Noel in this category because being a clueless, awkward guy is part of his charm. And awkward guys are usually too busy being self-conscious to pull off anything romantic, although occasionally, they get lucky (hey-o!). Such is the case with Noel and his use of Boggle as foreplay. I gotta give the man some points for that.

Ben: 10

The silver lining to Ben being such a dick to Felicity is that he gets to make it up to her in super swoony, dramatic fashion. I mean, buying her the necklace was nice, but asking her to go on the road trip with him, out of nowhere? MEGA SIGH. And then there's the pice de résistance: presenting her with the film reels of the movie he missed in Bryant Park while earnestly begging her to give him another chance. Watching this scene always results in the strange physical phenomenon of my eyes filling up with tears while my lady parts fill up with lust. Ben, WHAT MAGIC YOU WEAVE.

Noel: 6

In order to account for every remaining variable, I felt it necessary to include this final category. Noel definitely has something special glimmering behind those amber eyes, and I would have ZERO problem breaking the "no RA/student relationships" rule with him.


I realize that number may seem ridiculous to you, but trust me, I'm a scientist. And Ben has earned every single one of those points. He just has that something... that swagger, that smile, the magnetism of thousands of high school crush objects rolled into one devastatingly hot, charismatic package. Without careful study of the show, it's easy to miss. Just ask my boyfriend, who thinks it's lame that I like "that dude from Underworld." Haters gonna hate, but I always understood why Felicity never got over Ben. It'd be like giving up Chimay for O'Doul's. It's just plain wrong.



Let us total up the points, shall we?

Noel: 34

Ben: 1,000,039

You can't argue with those numbers, folks, because numbers DON'T LIE. Noel put up a good fight, but we have a clear victor in this debate, and that champion is Ben Covington.


Now that I've solved a mystery that's been baffling scholars for years, how about we celebrate with one of my favorite Ben scenes ever?


然后底下是视频放送。。。Ben&Felicity --first kiss

6 ) 那一天并不是今天



Keri Russell好可爱~~突然发现这部剧特别冷…配乐很少,大家都是静静地说话,静静地冷…

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  • Eowyn
  • 还行


  • Catherine
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好早看的了 才找到

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  • dizzydancer
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  • ma ma girl
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上半时偷偷看的,Keri Russell笑起来太美了。

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  • 瓜。相信这个世界很变态。
  • 较差


  • musclekai
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  • ==
  • 力荐

so moving. 死侍提到的剧,真的经典 ,最爱美剧,没有之一

  • 午后Ice Tea
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  • namine
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  • 家明表姐
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这片子在十几年前估计非常经典 但在美剧业如此发达的情况下 我就没有继续看下去的冲动了

  • 木曜日一只
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  • 恶魔奶爸Sam
  • 力荐


  • 怪力比多兽
  • 力荐

看完了估计得难受个几天...不是说她就是我而是我能找到太多太多的共鸣之处 友情爱情和未完成的爱情 大学不就是这样吗 【真是新年的礼物呢真是太幸运了我看了这个

  • Sigma von Zeta
  • 力荐

和October road、everwood一种感觉,虽然故事设定在NYC,但就是ordinary people的normal life,平缓的流动着。我也是felicity吧。单纯鲁莽的举动,纠结的成长。ps.Noel好像巴拉克...F和N在一起之后就腻了...ps编剧想展现当代大学生可能遇到的种种问题又无奈主角数量有限,所以啥破事都摊上了是嘛。

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