客户介绍下认识了一个女诗人Marianne;又在另一个朋友的介绍下认识了一个中年离婚男人Albert(詹姆斯·甘多菲尼 James Gandolfini 饰)。一开始她对肥肥的Albert并无好感,但在第一次约会之后,她发现了他身上某些地方挺吸引她的,两人很快确立了关系。同时,女诗人Marianne也成为Eva的客户,她经常上门为她按摩,两人也成了无话不说的好朋友。Marianne向Eva说起她的前夫的
Since rom-com for grown-ups has officially become a dying species in Hollywood-land, one must go back a few years to find some decent ones, ENOUGH SAID, the fifth feature of Nicole Holofcener, is a rare movie showcase for beloved TV megastar Julia Louis-Dreyfus, playing Eva, a divorcée who earns her living as a masseuse, and incidentally twigs that the man she is currently dating, Albert (Gandolfini), is in fact the ex-husband of her new client Marianne (Keener), what will you do under such circumstance?
Like as not, we might have the same reflexive reaction as Eva, who promptly mines the opportunity to get to know the lowdown of Albert by subtly cajoling Marianne to open up about their failed marriage, presumably it gets her an upper hand of appraisal whether Albert is the right person for her, but rubbed off on Marianne’s negative opinions about him, Eva ineluctably puts strains on their inchoate romance, until, she is finally got busted and has to face the music.
As a trenchant object lesson on “one woman’s meat is another woman’s poison and vice versa”, ENOUGH SAID nonetheless, coats its white-bread central crisis with a glistening cast, Louis-Dreyfus’ comical chops and self-deprecating sharp-wittedness spiritedly rounds off Eva’s commonplace but endearing persona, and Gandolfini (reaping awards-season trophies in his penultimate movie, still missing out a posthumous Oscar-nomination, which colors the movie’s serio-comic tone with a whiff of doleful sadness), excellently imparts an avuncular, rough-around-the-edge vibe and vamps it up with his underutilized funny bone, an image couldn’t be more different from his iconic work in THE SOPRANOS, and audience can certainly abandon oneself in the sparks-fly chemistry between these two veteran performers, plus the icing on the cake from a Bohemian Catherine Keener (overcoming the unsavory characterization of a bad-mouthing ex-wife with unfeigned spontaneity and nonplussed frustration) and a radiant but sometimes clueless Toni Colette as Eva’s best friend Sarah.
A secondary plot pivoting on a middle-aged parent’s bittersweet acceptance of their child’s induction of adult hood puts both Eva and Albert in the same position and counterpoises the romantic pell-mell with a weepy mood that might hit the movie’s target audience hardest. But when all is said and done, witty, sophisticated and intrinsically funny, ENOUGH SAID might be quintessentially televisual in its building blocks, but no one should disparage its illuminating relationship tenet in the nucleus.
referential entries: Yaron Zilberman’s THE LATE QUARTET (2012, 6.7/10); Jonathan Levine’s LONG SHOT (2019, 7.0/10).
很白, 却真实无比的中年小品. 女儿离开家去东部上大学的桥段还好让我难过了一阵子. 片尾的"For Jim," 很难想象片中慈父形象的James Gandolfini如今就葬在了我家街区的另一边.
爱无需多言 总要有一个人先勇敢
一些事是『自己』的,一些事是『我们』的,为何不懂得开口叫人帮你抬一把按摩桌,又为何总随性地为别人出谋划策,好在最后这些问题都得到了改善。非常知性,非常平实,可能我心理年龄已经老到偏爱这种中年人喜剧了吧。R.I.P.Gandolfini,you are brilliant.
with F @cinemapolis. 影院里又是空空荡荡,只有我俩和几对老奶奶观众。故事由细节层层剥开,用心恰到好处。喜欢他们并肩而坐时的自然和温情。回来才知剧终时的“for Jim"是给今年六月已故去的男主。第二天和F又说起,记得不只要protect自己,还要"protect us"。