片中的蒂姆·罗宾斯还是鲜肉期,非常白嫩,像个大宝贝,看他被折磨得死去活来,真是我见犹怜。值得一提的是,片中前半部分的感情戏给了莱恩空间干一些sexy的老本行:女主角衣不遮体地在屋里乱逛,还心血来潮地钻进浴帘里和罗宾斯共浴,让人看得心神荡漾;罗宾斯发高烧,女主角毅然扒光了他,并召集一干邻居收集冰块,将罗宾斯镇在了浴缸里。我感觉由早逝女星伊丽莎白·佩尼亚Elizabeth Peña扮演的这个女主角更像罗宾斯的妈妈。
片中的几个“魔鬼”形象也被后来者给“继承”了(如《入侵脑细胞》),所以说《异世浮生》确实不负盛名,我今天看这部电影真有deja vu之感,只是相见恨晚啊。本片的编剧也很有名,他写的《人鬼情未了》让他得了一尊奥斯卡奖,此人叫布鲁斯·乔伊·罗宾Bruce Joel Rubin。
Sonny boy’s music was mentioned and played in the movie - and that’s why I was invited to watch the movie for the symbolism analysis.
Just finished watching Jacob’s ladder. Not so much ‘horror’ after they introduced the hallucinogens at the other half of the movie (as if try to make it seems more ‘logical’ to most audiences who cannot fathom the true meanings of the sceenplay writer) - I will make no comment on the ‘hallucinogens’ part - pointless in fact.
1. Orange sky with clouds, we saw helicopters crossing over river/underworld: Hermes: Jacob’s ladder, messengers between sky and earth
2. Scene of soldier dozed off: starting the ‘dreaming’
3. Woke up in a metro running train holding book Camus ‘stranger’ a separative third person perspective of self-viewing
4. Metro station’s name Bergen and its etymology: Bhergh: high; mountain; pyramid
(woman staring: eye; octopus tail: earth real; rat=Egyptian mongoose: Atum’s guardian/ Shu god; water or raindrops: Tefnet; Saw a light coming from train: Ra’s circle. That’s a pyramid from top to bottom and now it’s all the way going down)
5. Station poster: Ecstasy: Plato’s Karthasis insinuating the very start of journey of purgatory in bardo
6. The confusing switching of two lives, one with kids and another with Succubi Jezebel, as it always happens in stories of Bardo, THE Self trying to collecting self.
7. He saw demons tracing him, nurse’s horned head, etc that’s what the Tibetan bardo described as hell. The climax of it resulted a baptism by the ‘witches’. Making him realize gotta climb the ladder up-(looking for lawyers, talking with that chemist etc)
8. His name is Jacob Singer, singer (he is going to praise the god, so eventually he will “make it” ). His job is postman, same as Jez work in the post office both are hermes actually, messengers of the god.
9. Chiropractor Louis Denardo. De Nardo=De BernARDO. (Bardo), Louis here is /lu/ and /yi/ which I shared in several tweets basically it’s same race, descendant of enneads, the Cherubim. (Demons as well, even if appearing as angels)
10. His youngest son had an accident of Bike vs Car, wheels vs wheels. Cherubim ophanim seraphim are all ‘wheelers’ the race of wheel making. Had wars among themselves. Jacob in the passage had to remind self of loss of his son to be the strongest attachment of someone in his life who passed away, oftenly used as the ‘guide’ to lead them out of bardo (end of movie denoting that, with light, staircase- but those are disguises)
11. The pains he had inbetween two parts of life “down the hell” were as if real, once he made peace with the self, (had agreement with the Cherubim) The Self collects self, devil become the Angel in Bardo.
12. The scene of taking last taxi “home”, Sam open the door. Taxi driver name: Garzero, Gar is a town name at western Tibet. As well as see //garpedia.fandom.com/wiki/Gar_(God). Drivers in the movies are all captains of the cars/ships/wheels (same race). So like the “journey to the west” he reached the door of “home” and spoke with Sam the doorkeeper, a Janus type, janitor of the sundoor.- As I’m not very versed in the Bible and qu’ran, but generally speaking it could well be seen as such: after talking with Sam basically he’s now officially “dead” in the sense of experiencing that “ordeals/cleansing” from purgatory.
13. Did he really leave the hell? Bardo is a passage “down there” yet the scenery as if he finished the purgatory passage and made his way out. That’s very religious dogma there(all the -isms), spiritual pilgrimage of Brahma, accept we are sinners and we gotta go through judgement and final day etc (worst brain virus). It gives people a false idea of “light” at the end trying to mean the liberation, which it is not. It is of course not heaven at the last scene either, as Hollywood trying so hard to do the hell vs heaven dualistic moral and desire based judgement same old same old doctrines.
I take the screenplay writer must be very knowledgeable of the Tibetan Buddhism and Christianity. Didn’t focus much on the numeral links though (depends on the director’s knowledge of Gematria), all in all its a work that worthy copied and remake in Hollywood just so that ‘they’ could keep preaching their pyramidal scheme of enneads worshippings, as well as focusing on dualism’s extremities - the very reason of pains generator.
just found our Sam’s name as in Samkrama. Sam here has the value ‘completely’ or ‘absolutely’, full, all.
作为鼻祖,现在看来还可以啦 喜欢在医院的推车上看到的那段幻象
有一段真像寂静岭啊 难怪说寂静岭受此电影影响后来的很多片子估计也是受了此片叙事方式的影响混沌不清的双重世界,不知道真相
又被导演忽悠了。据说这个结局是根据试映反响(观众认为overwhelming难以接受)大修改了的。我想看director's cut 会不会有趣一些。
虽比不上[穆赫兰道][睁开你的双眼][生死停留]等经典,但毕竟是真假错乱型悬疑惊悚片先驱,值得一看。对战争的反思和宗教元素的强调也使本片区别于大部分Rubber Reality作品。地铁和恐怖医院场景启发了[寂静岭]系列。晃动的脑袋和夜店群魔乱舞是迷幻剂效果的绝佳图解。PS:[异世浮生]译名赞。(8.0/10)
for i love you so sonny boy
3.5星. 從這部電影認識了一種類型電影的名字, Rubber Reality, 虛幻電影. 時空變換, 主角經歷著不同時空的不同人生, 不同境遇, 分不清自己的身份以及什麽是真實. 這部算是年代較早的先驅吧. 想法不錯, 結局也另類, 但中間的敘述過程有點無聊, 也是被後來的這類影片的精緻和嚴謹養刁了胃口.