1. People out here,it’s like they don’t even know the outside world exists.Might as well be living in the fucking moon…It’s all one ghetto,man,giant gutter in outer space. 这里的人们,好像不知道外面还有个世界一样,跟住在月亮上没什么两样。世界上只有一个区,不过是宇宙里的一个破水沟。 2. Look,I consider myself a realist,all right?but in philosophical terms,I’m what’s called a pessimist…it means I’m bad at parties. 我觉得我是个现实主义者,但从哲学上来说,我是个悲观主义者,说明我不适合参加派对。 3. I think human consciousnesswas a tragicmisstep in evolution,we became too self-aware.Nature created an aspect of nature separate from itself.We are creatures that should not exist by natural law.We are things that labor under the illusion of having a self,this accretion of sensory experience and feeling programmed with total assurance that we are each somebody,when,in fact ,everybody’s nobody.I think the honorable thing for species to do is deny our peogramming,stop reproducing,walk hand in hand into extinction,one last midnight,brothers and sisters opting out of a raw deal,(Marty asked what peope should do in the morning)I tell myself I bear witness,but the real answer is that it’s obviously my programming,and I lack the constitution for suicide. 我认为人类的意识是进化中一个可悲的错误,我们对自己认知得太多,自然从自身中抽离出一部分又化为自然,从自然法则上来说,我们是不该存在的生物,我们被我们有自我这一幻觉所奴役了,感官上的体验和感觉相结合,被设定好了相信我们每个人都是某个人,而事实上,我们谁都不是。对世界上各个物种来说,最崇高的事,就是拒绝被设定,停止繁殖,手牵手走向灭亡。最后一晚,兄弟姐妹们寻求生命的公正,(马蒂问每天早上该干什么)我告诉自己是为了证明,但其实我只是被如此设定了,我又没有勇气自杀。 4.I get a bad taste in my mouth out there,aluminum,ash,like you can smell the psycho’s fear. 我尝到了一些不好的味道,铝,灰,好像能嗅出精神病的恐惧。 5.Doctors said,she didn’t feel a thing,went straight into a coma and then,somewhere in that blackness,she slipped off into another deeper kind.——Isn’t that a beautiful way to go out?Painlessly,as a happy child.Yeah,trouble with dying later is you’ve already grown up.Damage is done,It’s too late. 医生们说,她当时毫无知觉,直接昏迷了,然后,在那片黑暗中的某一处,她悄无声息地离开了,去了更深沉的黑暗中。——这种死法不是很美吗?毫无痛苦,就是个快乐的孩子。以后才死的麻烦就在于你已经长大了,伤害已经造成,太晚了。 6.You have kids?Well ,you got the hubris,it must take to yank a soul out of nonexistence and into this meat and to force a life into this thresher.And as for my daughter,she,uh,she spared me the sin of being a father. 你们有孩子吗?(答:有)那你们必须足够自大才会从虚无中凭空找来一个灵魂塞到孩子的肉体中并让一条生命受困于此。至于我的女儿,她让我免遭为人父的罪孽。 7.Just observation and deduction.I see a propensity for obesity,poverty,a yen for fairy tales,folks putting what few bucks they do have into little,wicker baskets being passed around. 就认真观察和推理分析,我发现这些人都偏肥胖、贫穷,渴望童话般的美好,人们把他们仅有的那点钱放进那个依次传递的小篮子里面。 8.If the common good has got to make up fairy tales,then it’s not good for anybody. 如果共同利益需要靠编造童话为生,那它对谁都没好处。 9.If the only thing keeping a person decent is the expectation of divine reward,then,brother,that person is a piece of shit.and I’d like to get as many of them out in the open as possible. 如果只有期待神的奖励才能让人走正道,那么兄弟,那种人,才是垃圾。我很愿意尽我所能把他们清除到世外来。 10.M:Do you think that notebook is a stone tablet? 马蒂:你觉得圣经是墓碑吗? L:What’s it say about life? you got to get together,tell yourself stories that violate every law of the universe just to get through the goddame day? 拉斯特:对于生命它怎么描述的?你们要聚在一起,给自己讲亵渎宇宙万物法则的故事,只为了熬日子。 11.What’s that say about your reality,Marty? 信仰怎么解决你的现实问题呢? 12.Been that way since one monkey looked at the sun and told the other monkey,“He said for you to give me your fucking share.” People so goddamn frail they’d rather put a coin in a wishing well than buy dinner. 自从有个猴子看着太阳对另一个猴子说,“神说,让你跟我分享你那见鬼的一切。”人是很脆弱的,他们宁愿把钱扔进许愿井,也不愿用来买晚餐。 13.Transference of fear and self-loathing to an authoritarian vessel,it’s catharsis. 把恐惧和自我厌恶转移到权威主义这个容器中,这是种宣泄。 14.He absorbs their dread with his narrative,because of this,he’s effective in proportion to the amount of certainty he can project. 用叙述故事来吸走他们的恐惧,正因为如此,他的话能否让人信服和他所勾勒的故事的确定性成正比。 15.Certain linguistic anthropologists think that religion is a language virus that rewrites pathways in the brain,dulls critical thinking. 某些语言学家认为,宗教是语言的病毒,能改写大脑路径,让批判性思维变得愚钝。 16.See,we all got what I call a life trap,this gene-dee certainty that things will be different,that you’ll move to another city and meet the people that’ll be the friends for the rest of your life,that you’ll fall in love and be fulfilled.fucking fulfillment,heh,and closure.whatever the fuck those two¬¬--fucking empty jars to hold this shitstorm and nothing is ever fulfilled until the very end,and closure—No,no,no.Nothing is ever over. 我们都遇到了我称之为“生命陷阱”的东西,它让你相信一切都会不同,你会搬到其他城市,会遇到朋友,这些朋友会陪伴你一生,你会陷入爱情并实现梦想,该死的梦想成真,以及生命的完结。不管这两者到底是什么,没有金刚钻就想揽瓷器活儿,什么梦想都无法成就,直到世界末日,而完结,不不,一切都不会完结。 17.See,the preacher,he encourages your capacity for illusion,then he tells you it’s fucking virtue.Always a buck to be had doing that,and it’s such a desperate sense of entitlement,isn’t it? 传道士,他激发起你的幻想力,然后他跟你说这他妈的是种美德:能这么做的都不简单!听起来又是如此理所当然,不是吗? 18.People incapable of guilt usually do have a good time. 不懂内疚的人往往过得挺好。 19.You just look them in the eyes.The whole story is right there.Everybody wears their hunger and their haunt,you know? 只要看着他们的眼睛,整个故事都会浮现出来,所有人的即可与目的都无法掩饰。 20.People,I’ve seen the finale of thousands of live,man,young,old,each one is so sure of their realness that their sensory experience constituted a unique individual,with purpose,meaning…so certain that they were more than a biological puppet.Well,the truth wills out,and everybody sees once the strings are cut,all fall down. 人类,我亲眼见过数千条生命的完结,男人,年轻人,老人。每个人都毫不质疑自己的真实性,认为自己的感觉经验使其成为独一无二的个体,有目标,有意义。从不认为自己只是生物界的玩偶,但是真相终会大白,大家都会发现一旦提线被割断,所有人都会倒下。 21. –So what is synesesia? 所以同感是什么? -Synesthesia.It’s a misalignment of synaptic receptors and triggers.alkalis,colors,certain metallics.It’s a type of hyper sensitivity.One sense triggers another sense.Sometimes I’ll see a color,and it’ll put a taste in my mouth.A touch,a texture,a scent may put a note in my head.I’ve heard that….It’s not a side effect. 是通感,是联合接收器和触发器的在某些方面的错位,例如碱质,色彩,或特定金属。是超敏性的一种。某一感官能刺激另外一种。有时候我看到一种颜色,嘴里会尝到一种味道,触感,纹理,或者气味都能在我头脑中留下记号。。。这不是副作用。 22.M:Think a man can love two women at once,I mean,be inlove with them? 马蒂:假设一个男人可以同时爱上两个女人,互相深爱的那种。 R:I don’t think that man can love.at least not the way that he means.Inadequacies of reality always set in. 拉斯特:我觉得那个男人根本就不会爱,至少不是他自以为的那种方式,现实生活中总有缺陷。 23. World needs bad men,We keep the bad men from the door. (我从不怀疑自己是个好人)世界需要坏人。靠我们才能把其他坏人拒之门外。 24. This is what I mean,when I’m talking about time and death,and futility.There are broader ideas at work,mainly what is owed between us as a society for our mutual illusion. 我每次说到时间,死亡和无效尝试时,我指的就是这个,工作时会有更多的想法,这些想法来自于,人类整体作为一个社会,所持有的相同的错觉。 14 straight hours of staring at DBs,these are the things you think of.you ever done that? 盯着尸体看上十四个小时,你就会想到这些事情,你做过吗? You look in their eyes,even in a picture.Doesn;t matter if they’re dead or alive.You can still read them,and you know what you see?They welcomed it,mm-hmm,not at first,but right there in the last instant.It’s an unmistakable relief,see,because they were afraid and now they saw for the very first time how easy it was to just let go,and they saw—in that last nanosecond,they saw what they were,that you,yourself,this whole big drama,it was never anything but a jerry-rig of presumption and dumb will and you could just let go,finally now that you didn’t have to hold on so tight…to realize that all your life. 你注视着他们的眼睛,即使只是照片,他们是死是活都无关紧要,你都能读出你要的信息,知道你会看出什么吗?你会看出他们也乐意你这么做,也许一开始不会,但是到了最后一刻总会如此,很明显这是一种解脱,因为他们原先会害怕,然后他们会第一次发现,放手是如此简单,而在那最后一刻,他们会看到,他们会看清自己,你、你自己和这一系列闹剧,不过是粗劣的假设和愚蠢的愿望,而现在你可以放手了。反正已经无需再坚持。也不用去管你的生活。 —you know,all your love,all your hate,all your memory,all your pain—it was all the same thing.It was all the same dream,a dream that you had inside a locked room,a dream about being a person…and like a lot of dreams…there’s a monster at the end of it. 你的爱恨与纠葛,你的回忆与苦痛,都是一体,都是同一个梦,一个你在密室中才会做的梦,一个关于如何做人的梦,和许多其他的梦一样,梦的最后,都有一头怪物。 25.You know being stupid’s different than callin’ in sick. 蠢和病是两回事。 26.They’re the only reason for this whole man-woman drama.Just that people fuck up.We age,men, women.it’s not supposed to work except to make kids.So,if you can imagine Marty’s behavior as an expression of weakness,pain,you’d see that it’s not about you. 男女间的这些事都是因为孩子。人会把事情搞砸。我们会变老,男人和女人,除了繁衍后代外不应该发展其他关系。所以你可以把小马(出轨)的行为,看作是软弱,痛苦的表现。你就能看出了那并不是因为你。 27.Why should I live in hitory,huh?Fuck,I don’t want to know anything anymore.This is a world where nothing is solved. Someone once told me,”time is a flat circle.”Everything we’ve ever done or will do,we’re gonna do over and over again… 我为什么要沉溺于过去?艹,我什么事情都不想知道了。这个世界充斥着解决不了的事情。有个人曾跟我说过,“时间是一个平面圆圈”,所有我们已经做过或是即将要做的事情,我们都会一遍又一遍地做着。 28.Everybody knows there’s something wrong with them.they just know what it is,everybody wants confession,everybody wants some cathartic narrative for it,the guilt especially.Oh,but everybody is guilty. 每个人都知道自己有这样那样的问题,他们只是不知道是什么,每个人都想招供,每个人都想要宣泄,尤其是真正有罪的,话说回来,谁没有呢? 29. See,infidelity is one kind of sin,but my true failure was inattention. 背叛婚姻确实是罪,可我的原罪是漠然。(这句话是马蒂说的,就是觉得说得挺好) 30.You ever heard of something called the M-brane theory?It’s likeinthis universe,we process time linearly forward,but outside of ou spacetime,from what would be a fourth-dimensional perspective,time wouldn’t exist,and from that vantage,could we attain it,we’d see our spacetime would look flattened,like a single sculpture with matter,in a superposition of every place it ever occupied,our sentience just cycling through our lives like carts in a track.See,everything outside our dimension,that’s eternity.eternity looking down on us,Now,to us,it’s a sphere,but to them,it’s a circle. 你们听说过一个叫M理论的东西吗?那个理论说的是我们所处的这个维度中,我们的时间线是直线向前的,但在我们的时空之外,在第四维度中,时间并不存在,从这一点来说,如果我们能到达那个维度,我们会看到,我们这个时空就像一个平面,就像一个雕像在很多位置摆放过,而每个位置上的雕像相互叠加又组成了其自身,我们的感官就像轨道车一样,循环往复,在我们这个维度之外的所有事物,那才是永恒,永恒睥睨着我们,对我们来讲,那是个球,而对它们而言,只是个圆。 31.So death created time,to grow the things that it would kill,and you are reborn, 所以其实是死亡造就了时间,让万物生长然后归于死亡,人可以重生。 32.A child is wonderful,You see,sometimes people mistake a child as an answer for something,you know,like a way to change their story. 孩子是很美妙的,有的时候人们,错误地把孩子当做是某个问题的答案,比如改变自己命运的媒介。 33.You,these people,this place,It’s like you eat yourfuckin’ young and that’s all just fine as long as you got something to salute,huh? 你,这些人,这个地方,你们醉生梦死,却认为一切都很好,只要有人把事做了就行,是吧? 34.Everybody’s got a choice. 每个人都有选择。 35.Look,as scented meat,however illusory our identities are,we craft those identities by making value judgments.Everybody judges,all the time.Now,you got a problem with that,yo’re linving wrong. 我们作为有知觉的肉体,不管我们的身份多么虚幻,也是通过价值判断来塑造的,每个人都会批判别人,一直都这样,你要质疑这点,你就没活对. 36.There was a moment,I know when I was under in the dark,thatsomething,whatever I’d been reduced to,you know,not even consciousness.It was a vague awareness in the dark,and I could—I could feel my definitious fading.And bebeath that…darkness,there was another kind.It was—it was deeper,warm,you know,like a substance.I could feel,man,and I knew,I knew my daughter,I could feel her,And all I had to do was let go… 有那么一刻¬——当我陷在黑暗之中时,有什么东西,不管我是深陷于什么之中,甚至没有知觉,那是一种在黑暗里的模糊意识,我可以¬…我可以感觉到我整个人正在消逝,而在那黑暗之下,还有另外一种感觉,更深层次的,很温暖,就像是真的一样,我可以感觉到,我知道,我知道我的女儿,我可以感觉得到她,而我只要放手就行了。 附上片头曲《Far from Any Road》 男: From the dusty mesa 在尘土飞扬的岩滩上 Her looming shadow grows 她的影子隐隐生长 Hidden in the branches of the poison creosote 躲在充满毒液的分叉后 She twines her spines up slowly 她缓缓盘起她的身体 Towards the boiling sun 向着沸腾的太阳 And when I touched her skin 当我碰到她的皮肤 My fingers ran with blood 手指流出了鲜血 女: In the hushing dusk under a swollen silver moon 静谧的暮色中,银色的满月下, I came walking with the wind to watch the cactus bloom 我从风中行来,去看仙人掌开花 And strange hands halted me, the looming shadows danced 陌生的手挡住了我,影子隐隐起舞 I fell down to thorny brush and felt the trembling hands 我感到掉进了荆棘丛,感到一双颤抖的手 男: When the last light warms the rocks 当最后的光线温暖了岩石 And the rattlesnakes unfold 这响尾蛇也挺直了身体 女: Mountain cats will come to drag away your bones 山猫们将会拖走你的白骨 男&女: And rise with me forever 和我一起复活永生吧 Across the silent sand 穿越沉寂的废墟 And the stars will be your eyes 群星将是你的眼睛 And the wind will be my hands 风儿就是我的手臂 季终片尾曲《The Angry River》:(大爱O(∩_∩)O) The emptiness that we confess我们承认的虚空 In the dimmest hour of day一天最黯淡的时光 In Automatown they make a sound在Automatown他们发出声音 Like the low sad moan of prey像低悲伤的呻吟的猎物 The bitter taste the hidden face隐藏痛苦的脸 Of the lost forgotten child失去的忘记的孩子 The darkest need the slowest speed最黑暗的需要最慢的速度 The debt unreconciled罪过的不宽恕 These photographs mean nothing这些照片没有任何意义 To the poison that they take他们的毒药 Before a moment’s glory前一刻的荣耀 The light begins to fade光开始消退 The awful cost of all we lost我们付出了巨大的代价 As we looked the other way因为我们视而不见 We’ve paid the price of this cruel device我们已经偿还了这个残酷的心态 Till we’ve nothing left to pay直到我们一无所有 The river goes where the current flows河水会在当前流 The light we must destroy我们必须摧毁 Events conspire to set afire事件阴谋被点燃 The methods we employ我们采用的方法 These dead men walk on water这些死人漂浮在水上 Cold blood runs through their veins冰冷血液流经血管 The angry river rises愤怒的河水上涨 As we step into the rain当我们走进雨中 These photographs mean nothing这些照片没有任何意义 To the poison that they take他们的毒药 The angry river rises愤怒的河水上涨 As we step into the rain当我们走进雨中
哈里森抱着个粉红色的大杯子吸着吸管等病床的马修醒过来,马修说Are you watching me sleeping,两人咕哝了一阵以互竖中指结束,我深切地觉得这个片子应该叫#真爱#。以及这片之于我也是真爱。
在Matthew McConaughey 身边,Woody Harrelson都显得正常无比
好处不多说了 noir 南方 克苏鲁 哥特 这几个主题凑到一处 再将探案的务实交织于务虚气氛当中 想不好看都难 一季一个案子 两个主角 在路上式的探案节奏 即使拍成三部曲式电影也并无违和感 那个六分钟长镜头未来或可称为模糊电影与剧集界限的里程碑 可惜反派渲染稍有不足 长镜头若放在最后来用 或可更好